
  • 网络Mass Email;mass mail
  1. 方法包括网站发消息、网络请愿、或者群发邮件。

    Methods may include websites , online petitions and mass email campaigns .

  2. 毕竟,设身处地地想一想:如果你从一个朋友那里收到了给一大群人发的群发邮件,比如,给她支持的慈善活动捐款,你可能会也可能不会去认真考虑她的要求。

    After all , think about how you feel in similar shoes : If you get a mass email from a friend asking a group of people to , say , donate to a charity she 's supporting , you may or may not spend much time thinking about her request .

  3. 第五章对本系统的搜集性能、群发邮件甄别率进行了测试。

    The fifth chapter tests the collect performance and group mail discrimination rate .

  4. 同样也不要利用大量的群发邮件。

    The same goes for mass emails .

  5. 图四:群发邮件请注意,老板有时会故意隐身在“全体职员组”里面!

    Fig4 . Xiaoli : Caution , group-senders , your boss may hide insgroups " staff " on purpose !

  6. 办公室里总有这样的人,回复群发邮件时爱点击“回复全部”。

    We all have that one person in our offices who unnecessarily clicks " Reply all " in response to mass emails .

  7. 可能群发邮件听起来很轻松,让大家能立刻知道你正在找工作。

    It might be tempting to send out a mass email , letting everyone know all at once that you 're looking .

  8. 最后结合这个有通用性的设计模型,重点介绍了一个实际使用群发邮件功能的应用系统数字化校园社区系统的设计和实现。

    At last , refer to the model , it elaborate the design and implementation of digital campus community system , this system uses E-mail group sending fuction .

  9. 您可以给您的服务器添加一个邮件列表系统以便群发邮件、让他人来订阅消息、管理发邮件的用户、审核信息。

    You can add to your mail server a mailing-list system to deliver mails to a large number of people , let someone else manage subscription , manage people who are posting , moderate messages .

  10. 但是如果你给单人发邮件,这比起群发邮件要有效得多&因为要是人们觉得你是直接联系他们的,他们更愿意帮忙。

    But it will be far more effective if you send individual emails to people instead of one group email – because people are generally much more inclined to help when they feel like you 're reaching out to them directly .

  11. 铁马的时代,这是在交货才真正开始回暖,事实上,美国运输列车近100年来最群发邮件。

    It was during the Age of the Iron Horse that delivery really started to pick up , in fact , the prefix = " st1 " ? xml : namespace > United States transported mostbulkmailby train for nearly 100 years .

  12. 但是如果你给单人发邮件,这比起群发邮件要有效得多—因为要是人们觉得你是直接联系他们的,他们更愿意帮忙。

    But it will be far more effective if you send individual emails to people instead of one group email - because people are generally much more inclined to help when they feel like you 're reaching out to them directly .

  13. 通常,企业的重大事件堪比婚礼纪念日:公司发出通知(新闻稿、广告或是群发邮件),举办低调的接待会,选一些长期客户送出纪念品。

    Too often important corporate milestones are treated in a manner similar to a wedding anniversary : companies will send out an announcement ( press release , advertisement or email blast ), host a modest reception , and provide a memento to a select number of longstanding clients .

  14. 这并不意味着只是简单发电子邮件或集体群发邮件。相反,要花大量时间研究特定雇主和职位,并用关键词为你想进的公司和想做的工作写求职信和简历。

    That doesn 't mean simply emailing or snail-mailing a bunch of them . Rather , it means spending significant time targeting particular employers and jobs , and using key words to craft cover letters and resumes to the companies you 're looking to work for and the job you 're looking to get .

  15. 这是不礼貌的,会让你的节日祝福看起来是一种群发的邮件。

    They are impersonal and make your holiday wishes look like a mass mailing .

  16. 那是一封群发的邮件。

    It was a masse-mail .

  17. 其中一个方法就是:要学会韬光养晦,并抓住时机,在面对整个团队的时候,比如在集体会议上或者在群发的邮件中,提出自己的想法,做到一鸣惊人。

    One approach : Keep your best stuff under your hat until you get a chance to mention it to your whole team at once , either in a meeting or in an email to the group .

  18. 有个人离职时给全体员工群发了一封邮件。

    The individual sent an email blast to the entire staff .

  19. 现在基于网络营销性质的群发技术有很多,如:商业网站群发、论坛网站群发、邮件群发、网络终端群发等等。

    Now there are many sorts of multi-send technology , such as multi-send to business Web , forums , mailbox , net terminal and so on .