
  1. 卫生是极具参与吸引力的一个领域,这里群英荟萃,各显其能。

    Health is an attractive area of engagement , and the landscape is crowded .

  2. 是群英荟萃,老友新朋聚首的大好时机,诚邀国内同行以各种形式参加本次交流。

    The organizing committee warmly welcomes you to be part of this congress by ways of participating events mentioned above .

  3. 上海电影译制厂人才济济,群英荟萃,拥有乔榛、丁建华、童自荣等一批深受观众喜爱的著名艺术家和技艺超群的技术人员。

    Shanghai Dubbing Studio has a group of experienced professionals and technology specialists , and artists like Qiao Zhen , Din Jianhua , and Tong Zirong who are loved by the public .

  4. 陈氏子孙自居台以来,群英荟萃,人才辈出,多为国之栋梁,在诸多领域建树卓著,影响深广。

    Since they lived there , among them there have appeared lots of able people in various circles , most of them are the backbones of the country and have much influence on various fields .