
  • 网络xunjiang river;Xun River
  1. 广西浔江长洲枢纽坝下河床冲刷研究

    Study on River Bed Erosion Below Changzhou Reservior in Xunjiang River

  2. 可持续雨洪管理新策略&低影响开发雨洪管理浔江防洪堤对西江中下游洪水的归槽影响

    A New Sustainable Stormwater Management & Low Impact Development : A Review Influence of Xunjiang River Flood Embankment on Flood Retaining to Main Channel in the Middle and Lower Reaches of Xijiang River

  3. 厦门浔江海域棘皮动物若干生态特点

    Several ecological characteristics of echinoderms in Xunjiang waters , Xiamen

  4. 浔江航道开发的可行性研究

    Feasibility study on channel Navigation for Xunjiang River

  5. 广西浔江长洲枢纽回水范围理论分析与数学模型计算研究

    Study on Backwater Area by Theoretic Analysis and Numerical Simulation at Changzhou Reservoir in Guangxi Province

  6. 最后认为通过航道整治将浔江开发成千吨级航道在技术上是可行的。

    And it is considered that to develop the Xunjiang River to channel of 1000t through regulations is feasible .

  7. 浔江防洪堤对西江中下游洪水的归槽影响

    Influence of Xunjiang River Flood Embankment on Flood Retaining to Main Channel in the Middle and Lower Reaches of Xijiang River

  8. 经综合分析并对研究成果做出评价认为:浔江防洪堤对浔江及西江下游洪水过程和洪水特性的影响不大。

    Though synthetical analysis and evaluate the research achievements , the result obtained shows that the dams just do a small effect to the flood of Xunjiang river and Xijiang downstream river .
