
qún jū shēnɡ huó
  • gregarious life;social life
  1. 台湾猕猴为台湾特有种,营群居生活,有一只强壮的公猴领导。

    The Formosan rock-monkey are endemic in Taiwan , and they form gregarious life presided by a strong male .

  2. 老鼠跟人类一样,天生热爱群居生活,喜欢跟其他同伴在一起。

    Mice with human beings , as well as natural love social life , like the other partner together .

  3. 年幼时,它们过着群居生活。

    When they are young , they live in groups .

  4. 那些时期,人们都是过群居生活。

    In those days , men had to act in groups .

  5. 游牧动物防御捕食者的主要方法是群居生活,

    Now , the main defense against pack-hunting predators is to get into herds ,

  6. 群居生活的种种问题。

    The problems of living communally .

  7. 非洲野狗群居生活,通常由一双占领导地位的原配雌雄管理群体。

    African wild dogs live in packs that are usually dominated by a monogamous breeding pair .

  8. 因为它,人们过上亲密的群居生活的同时,不至于把城市搞得臭气熏天、疾病泛滥。

    They allow us to live close together without cities turning into smelly , disease-spreading swamps .

  9. 断奶是希望能够帮助熊猫宝宝们适应新的气候,湿度和群居生活。

    The move is expected to help the young pandas adapt to temperature , humidity and group living .

  10. 当过着群居生活并居住在山洞里时,他们知道并学会了用火来去暖和做饭。

    While living in groups and dwelling in caves , they knew about and used fire for heating and cooking .

  11. 正如上文所述,这在像人类这样需要合作与群居生活的物中就显得尤为重要。

    As the previous article suggests , that could be particularly important in a collaborative , group-living species such as humanity .

  12. 那是因为木精灵们总是喜欢美好的群居生活,而且不介意和别的种族杂居。

    That 's because wood elves are really the nicest of the bunch and don 't mind talking to other folks .

  13. 它们以家庭为单位过着群居生活,同时照顾幼鼠直到它们长到两岁。

    Well , they live together as a family and take care of their young until they are at least two years old .

  14. 在非洲的茫茫荒原上,许多肉食性动物喜欢独来独往;而草食性动物较偏好群居生活。

    On the vast savanna and grassland in the Africa , predators adore solitary life , rater , most of the herbivores prefer living in groups .

  15. 狼过着群居生活,一般七匹为一群,每一匹都要为群体的繁荣与发展承担一份责任。

    Wolves live in groups with seven ones in a group , and each of them shoulders part of responsibility for the flourishing and development of the group .

  16. 安全一度是群居生活的重要动机。而如今大都市毒祸横流,安定的生活相比城郊更使人难以捉摸。

    Security , once one of the main reasons for huddling together , is often now more elusive in the druggy streets of the metropolis than in the exurbs .

  17. 这项研究结果使得大象与人类、猿、海豚同属一群了,而且这有可能解释它们的群居生活和互助行为。

    The finding puts the pachyderms in the company of humans , apes , and dolphins , and it may help explain their complex social lives and seemingly altruistic tendencies .

  18. 她去一妇女群居村生活。

    She went to live in a women 's commune .

  19. 但他们却过着群居的生活

    but they live as one big family .

  20. 由于战后迁移到玻利维亚的日本移民是集体迁移的,过着群居的生活,融合程度不如战前水平。

    However , they migrated and lived in groups after the war , the integration degree was inferior to prewar .

  21. 原角龙是一种食草恐龙,体型和绵阳差不多大小。专家们都认为他们曾在白垩纪时期过着群居的生活。

    The Protoceratops was a vegetable-eating dinosaur about the size of a sheep that experts believe lived in herds during the Cretaceous Period .

  22. 动物园大象的社会生活也很不同,不像野生大象那样过着群居的生活。

    Elephant social lives are also much different in zoos than in the wild , where they live in large herds and family groups .

  23. 群智能优化算法是受自然界中群居生物生活习性的启发而提出用来解决复杂优化问题的算法,目前己成为解决优化问题的研究热点。

    Swarm intelligent optimization algorithm is inspired by the living habits of gregarious biology , and currently it has become a hotspot to solve complex optimization problems .

  24. 在家庭联产承包责任制前,牧民以部落或公社为基本单位,在集体所有的草场上过着群居的游牧生活。

    Before the household responsibility system , the herdsmen have lived gregarious life in the collectively owned pasture by Tribalism or Commune .

  25. 黄鳍金枪鱼通常是群居性鱼类,生活于热带及亚热带水域,在地中海及黑海等封闭性水域中鲜有它们的身影。

    They tend to school strongly and can be found in the open tropical or subtropical waters of oceans , though they avoid the more closed environments of the Mediterranean and Black Seas .