
yǒu qíng
  • friendship;camaraderie;companionship;warmth;friendly sentiments;amity
友情 [yǒu qíng]
  • [amity;friendship] 友谊

  • 诚挚的友情

友情[yǒu qíng]
  1. 爱情和友情之间的界线难以划清。

    It is difficult to define the border between love and friendship .

  2. 你的友情对我非常重要。

    Your friendship is very important to me .

  3. 他们尽管性格不同,但仍然友情甚笃。

    They are firm friends in spite of temperamental differences .

  4. 他不是那种为旧日的友情欷歔感伤的人。

    He 's not the sort of man who gets sentimental about old friendships .

  5. 他们依然友情甚笃。

    They remained firm friends .

  6. 我信赖他的友情,也相信他的判断。

    I depended on his companionship and on his judgment

  7. 她珍惜自己和克里斯之间长达10年的柏拉图式的友情。

    She values the platonic friendship she has had with Chris for ten years .

  8. 友情浸厚。

    Friendship develops gradually .

  9. 他向他的同学玛丽表白了他的友情。

    He made a profession of friendship to his classmate mary .

  10. 谨请俯念旧日友情,方便一二。

    Please kindly consider our old friendship and do me a favour .

  11. 你们无须将友情保密&其实已尽人皆知。

    It 's pointless trying to keep your friendship secret & it 's common knowledge already .

  12. 这两个男的素来是冤家对头,如今竟有了一种友情。

    There was a sort of friendship between the two men , who were all the while deadly rivals .

  13. Fandom(就是fan加后缀dom,像kingdom和freedom一样)指由粉丝构成的一种亚文化现象,这些粉丝拥有共同的兴趣爱好并且彼此之间存在一种志趣相投的友情。

    Fandom ( consisting of fan plus the suffix with others who share a common interest .

  14. Interspeciesfriendship指不同种群的动物之间发展出来的社交关系,也就是“跨种群友情”。

    Interspecies friendship refers to the social relationships formed between members of different animal species .

  15. 与小说《教父》一样,本书故事进展也由人物之间的关系推动,美国缉毒局特工阿特·凯勒和毒枭米格尔·安赫尔·巴雷拉之间的友情逐渐瓦解,演变成一场血腥纷争。5.LAConfidential18byJamesEllroy詹姆斯·艾尔罗伊的《洛城机密》

    as in The Godfather , it 's the personal relationships that drive the narrative15 as the friendship between DEA7 agent Art Keller and narco kingpin Miguel Angel Barrera disintegrates16 into a blood feud17 .

  16. 不是所有友情都会地久天长,没关系。

    Not all friendships last forever , and that 's okay .

  17. 随着时间的推移,我们之间产生了一种真挚的友情。

    As time went on , a genuine friendship grew up between us .

  18. 他们的友情是基于柏拉图式的爱情。

    Their friendship is based on platonic love .

  19. 这种手链多为手工制作,通常由刺绣丝线类织物制成,是丝结饰物的一种。友情手链有很多风格和图案,不过,大多数都是在绳头固定结的基础上编制的。

    There are various styles and patterns , but most are based on the same simple half-hitch knot .

  20. 年轻人从校园毕业,带着自豪与友情。

    Young people emerge from college with pride and with great friends and with a lot of knowledge about the world .

  21. 传统上来说,某人会将友情手链系到一个怀有某个心愿的朋友手腕上。

    According to tradition , one ties a bracelet onto the wrist of a friend who may wish for something at that moment .

  22. 上世纪70年代,友情手链初次在美国流行开来,在青少年群体中佩戴较为普遍。

    Friendship bracelets first became popular in the United States during the 1970s and are commonly worn by both male and female teenagers .

  23. 始于友情的爱情在二十几岁的人当中所占的比例更高,其中有85%的夫妇或情侣表示他们在成为恋人之前是朋友。

    The rate of friends-first initiation4 was even higher among 20-somethings , with 85 % of such couples saying their romance began as a friendship .

  24. 在这项发表在期刊《社会心理学与人格科学》上的研究中,近300名大学生被问及他们的“友情期”持续了多长时间,以及他们是否愿意在谈恋爱之前先做朋友。

    In the study , roughly 300 university students were also asked how long their " friends phase " lasted and whether they preferred to be friends before taking things in a romantic direction .

  25. 这只耗子不讲道义,没同情心,无所顾忌,不顾他人,没有品德,没有啮齿类动物的仁慈心肠,从不会良心不安,毫无高尚情感,没有友情,什么好的地方都没有。

    The rat had no morals , no conscience , no scruples , no consideration , no decency , no milk of rodent kindness , no compunctions , no higher feeling , no friendliness , no anything .

  26. 影片的核心是谦卑的库奇(约翰·马加罗饰演)和野心勃勃的路金(奥赖恩·李饰演)之间迅速成长的友情,两人都是身无分文的外来者,梦想着在绿色荒原上创业。

    At its heart is the burgeoning8 friendship between the humble9 Cookie ( John Magaro ) and the ambitious King-Lu ( Orion Lee ) , two penniless outsiders who dream of establishing a business in the green wilderness10 .

  27. 这个词最早来源于莎士比亚戏剧《哈姆雷特》第一场第五幕中的一句对白:像哈姆雷特这样贫苦的人,要怎样向你表达他的爱意和友情呢。

    The word comes from a term coined by Shakespeare in Hamlet , act 1 , scene 5 : And what so poor a man as Hamlet is May do , to express his love and friending to you .

  28. “心虫”指让你难以忘怀的一段爱情或友情,你以为这段情早就过去了,但却时常想起,难以释怀。就像弃置的露营地里残留的火星,仍然有可能引发一场森林大火。

    Heartworm refers to a relationship or friendship that you can 't get out of your head , which you thought had faded long ago but is still somehow alive and unfinished , like an abandoned campsite whose smoldering1 embers still have the power to start a forest fire .

  29. 用ASP设计自动友情链接系统

    Designing Automatic Friendly Link System with ASP

  30. 科学家们相信,友情存在于我的基因当中,一夥好友之间“共用”著相同的DNA。

    Friendship is in our genes , scientists believe , with members of a group of pals sharing the some of same DNA .