
yóu hǎo chénɡ shì
  • sister cities;twin cities;cities of friendship
  1. 长江之滨和谐水上之都重庆·广岛缔结友好城市二十周年

    20th Anniversary of the Sister Cities , Chongqing and Hiroshima

  2. 昨天,杭州和福州缔结为友好城市,签约仪式在福州举行。

    Yesterday , Hangzhou and Fuzhou had become sister cities and the signing ceremony was held in Fuzhou .

  3. 牛津和德国的波恩结成了友好城市。

    Oxford is twinned with Bonn in Germany .

  4. 他的第一项任务将是树立格拉斯哥作为一座友好城市的形象。

    His first job will be to project Glasgow as a friendly city

  5. 该自治市与德国的卡瑟尔市结成了友好城市。

    The borough is twinned with Kasel in Germany .

  6. 这使得萨格勒布的友好城市美因茨捐赠了价值7万英镑的高品质装备。

    This led Zagreb 's twin town , Mainz , to donate £ 70,000-worth of high-quality equipment .

  7. 康泰纳仕集团列出了美国友好城市和世界友好城市排行榜,并给CNN提供了一个联合名单。

    Conde Nast , which just published lists of the friendliest US cities and friendliest cities in the world , created one combined list for CNN .

  8. 根据《CondeNastTraveler》杂志第29届读者选择奖的结果显示,美国内战爆发地、南部小城查尔斯顿名列世界最友好城市榜首。

    The southern town where the US Civil War started is now the friendliest city in the world , according to Conde Nast Traveler 's 29th annual Readers ' Choice Awards .

  9. 国际友好城市交流的问题与对策研究

    Research on Problems and Strategic Choices about Communication between International Friendship Cities

  10. 南京市与名古屋市在1978年结成友好城市。

    Nanjing and Nagoya established friendly ties in 1978 .

  11. 牛津在法国的友好城市是里昂。

    Oxford 's twin town in France is Leon .

  12. 牛津和波恩是友好城市。

    Oxford and Bonn are twin towns .

  13. 友好城市之间的合作不断扩大,合作方式不断创新。

    The cooperation between friendship cities is expanding everyday and also in more innovative ways .

  14. 上海是汉堡的友好城市。

    Shanghai ist die Partnerstadt von Hamburg .

  15. 牛津与波恩结成了友好城市。

    Oxford is twinned with Bonn .

  16. 在与中国缔结友好城市中,以日本为最多。

    Among the foreign countries that have established friendship cities with China , Japan has the most .

  17. 他认为,友好城市现已成为民间外交的主要渠道。

    He believed that the friendship cities had now become the main channel for people-to-people foreign affairs .

  18. 希望今后上海能够与更多的外国城市结为友好城市。

    It is anticipated that Shanghai will establish friendly relations with more foreign cities in the future .

  19. 根据调查,新泽西纽瓦克市是在最不友好城市名单里位列榜首。

    Newark , New Jersey , is the unfriendliest city in the world according to the survey .

  20. 它是城市百年华诞的时候,澳大利亚的一个友好城市赠送的礼物。

    It was a gift from a sister city in Australia for the 100th anniversary of the city .

  21. 莫斯科由于不乐于助人的居民和整体的冷漠氛围,获得了世界上最不友好城市的称号。

    With its unhelpful locals and general aloofness , Moscow has been dubbed the unfriendliest city in the world .

  22. 为了打造环境友好城市,水原市计划通过鼓励骑单车出行来减少碳排放量。

    Aiming at building an environment-friendly city , Suwon has been planning to reduce carbon emissions by encouraging bicycling .

  23. 通过设立“友好城市主题展”进一步推进区域大协作。

    On the other hand , the regional cooperation has been enhanced via the theme exhibition of " Sister Cities " .

  24. 同时,本文分析了广州公共交通体系建设管理现状及其面临的问题,提出了广州借鉴国际友好城市先进经验的对策建议。

    Meanwhile , it also analyzes corresponding issues in Guangzhou 's public transport system in order to learn from its international counterparts .

  25. 这个学校是莫尔兹比港与中国南方城市深圳结为友好城市的结晶。

    The school has been built as part of a sister-city partnership between Port Moresby and the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen .

  26. 我们两国有近200个友好城市,美中科学家在许多新的研究领域和发现领域进行合作。

    There are nearly 200 " friendship cities " drawing our communities together . American and Chinese scientists cooperate on new research and discovery .

  27. 本文以老年友好城市理念为理论支撑,对咸阳市老年设施规划策略进行了探讨。

    Based on the theory of aging friendly cities , this paper deeply discussed the Planning Strategy of the elderly facilities in Xianyang City .

  28. 据悉,友好城市的缔结促进了中国各地对外经贸的发展。

    It is reported that the establishment of friendship cities has promoted the development of foreign economy and trade in various areas in China .

  29. 为纪念南京与意大利佛罗伦萨建立友好城市关系40周年,为期三天的文化活动于周日在南京结束。

    Three days of cultural activities concluded in Nanjing on Sunday , marking the 40th anniversary of its sister-city relationship with Florence , Italy .

  30. 但是他和他的忠实朋友兼信徒阿布贝克一起逃到了采纳他的学说的友好城市麦地那。

    But he escaped with his faithful friend and disciple , Abu bekr , to the friendly town of Medina which adopted his doctrine .