
  • 网络Ant tribe;Antizen;ant-like graduates
  1. 同时也分析了南京蚁族的职业与发展状况,并着重探讨了南京蚁族的职业满意度。

    We also discussed the career and development of Nanjing " ant tribe ", especially the career satisfaction .

  2. 其次,不同的大众媒介记录与再现蚁族的路径可谓是形态各异。

    Secondly , the different mass medias recording and reproduction of the path of " Ant Tribe " can be described as different forms .

  3. Antizen(蚁族)是指那些工资少得可怜、租住在狭小公寓里的大学毕业生。他们像蚂蚁一样渺小,辛劳。

    " Antizen " referred to the group of college graduates who , earning a meager salary and living in small rented apartments , were like the tiny and laborious ants .

  4. 本月早些时候,一些全国政协委员考察了“蚁族”们聚居的一个村庄。

    Earlier this month , some conference members visited the village .

  5. 我认为这应该成为解决“蚁族”问题的立足点。

    Personally , I think'ant tribe'is a very inclusive term .

  6. 问:根据你的统计,在中国大概有多少“蚁族”群体?

    Based on your calculations , how many ants are there in China ?

  7. 典型的蚁族出生于80年代。

    A typical ant was born in1980s .

  8. 蚁族作为社会的一个特殊群体,不断引起社会的广泛关注。

    As a special group in society , ant race continue to cause widespread concern in society .

  9. “蚁族”所揭示的就是一个教育产业化直接制造的不和谐因素。

    " Ant family ," revealed the industrialization of education is a direct manufacturing factors of disharmony .

  10. 因此,蚁族已经成为我们不得不关注的群体之一。

    Therefore , the " ant " has become one of the groups that we have to concern .

  11. 24岁的大学毕业生邓锟就是书中描述的一位蚁族。

    Deng Kun , a 24-year-old college graduate , is an ' ant ' featured in the book .

  12. “蚁族”群体的出现,源于1990年代末期推进教育产业化之中的大学扩招。

    " Ant family " groups emerged from the late1990s , promoting the industrialization of education among university enrollment .

  13. 中国社会学家针对那些像刘阳一样受过良好教育的求职大学生,提出一个新的名词:蚁族。

    Chinese sociologists have come up with a new term for educated young people who move in search of work like Ms.

  14. 所以他们的解决方式是合租挤在有限的空间中以节省开支,他们叫自己蚁族。

    They have to share space squeezed in very limited space to save money and they call themselves tribe of ants .

  15. 报告称,蚁族们的工作并不稳定,平均月薪低于2000元。

    The " ants " don ` t have a stable job and their average salary is below 2,000 yuan per month , it said .

  16. 在居住与生活这一章中尝试着从居住空间分层的角度来分析南京蚁族的居住及社会分层状况。

    In the chapter of living and life , we try to analysis the living and social stratification from the perspective of living space stratification .

  17. “蚁族”现象的产生,对高校学生思想政治教育工作起了很重要的警示作用。

    The emerging of " ant group " has played a very important warning role in the ideological and political education in colleges and universities .

  18. “蚁族”一词是北京对外经济贸易大学教授廉思最早提出来的。

    The term ' ant tribe ' was coined by Lian Si , a professor at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing .

  19. 对于蚁族成员来说,从小被灌输的是,好好学习,将来考取大学,改变自己的命运。

    For a member of the " ant ", the childhood indoctrination , study hard and obtain a university in the future , change your life .

  20. 然而,大众媒介对蚁族形象的再现并不完全符合客观现实,其主观建构色彩非常明显。

    However , the image of the " Ant Tribe " reproduced by the mass media was not conformed to reality completely . It is obviously very subjective .

  21. 这一新的雄心勃勃的人群被称为“蚁族”,因为他们对工作机会的渴望,并愿意挤在一起,忍受恶劣的生活条件。

    The new aspiring professionals are known as " ants " because of both their eagerness to work and a willingness to cram together in poor living conditions .

  22. 在“蚁族”聚居的破旧房屋周围,通常密布着小饭馆、网吧、发廊和诊所。

    The areas around the shabby houses inhabited by the " ant tribe " are usually crowded with tiny restaurants , Internet bars , hair salons and clinics .

  23. “蚁族”,是对“大学毕业生低收入聚居群体”的典型概括,受过高等教育,从事临时性工作,有的甚至处于失业半失业状态;

    " Ant Tribe " is the typical summary of " inhabited by groups of low-income college graduates ," highly educated , temporary work , and some even unemployed ;

  24. 再次,笔者从国家、社会和个人三个层面阐述了开展蚁族思想政治教育的必要性。

    Once again , the author carries out the necessity of the " ant tribe " ideological and political education from three levels of nation , society and individual .

  25. 蚁族的大部分成员也属于奔奔族,到处奔忙,这也是大多数中国都市人的现状。

    Most members of the ant tribe also belong to the ben ben zu , the rush-rush tribe , to which , in fact , most urban Chinese belong .

  26. 调查显示,通常“蚁族们”所居住的破旧房屋附近,有很多的小餐馆、网吧、理发店以及诊所等。

    The shabby houses where the " ant tribe " lives usually have many tiny restaurants , Internet bars , hair salons and clinics in close proximity , the survey said .

  27. 这些低收入高校毕业生与蚂蚁有相同特点,例如弱小,群居和勤奋,因此被称为“蚁族”。

    As these low-income university graduates have the same characteristics as ants , for example , they are weak , gregarious and hard-working , they are called " ant clan " .

  28. 面对严峻的就业形势,大学生选择了不同的生存之路,无论是蚁族还是考研,都仍旧面对更加艰难的生存现实。

    Faced with the severe employment situation , college students choose different way to live , whether ants or graduate-study admission exam , are still faced with a more difficult survival reality .

  29. 这种情况淋漓尽致的体现在蚁族身上:蚁族大多来自农村或小城镇,家庭收入较低,父母处于社会下层,社会资源匮乏。

    This case vividly reflected in the body of the " ant ": " ant ", mostly from rural areas or small towns , low family income , parents in lower society .

  30. 沈阳大学举办的一场毕业生招聘会这些在北京市北部的村庄居住着大批自称为“蚁族”的年青人。由于工作辛苦、居住地拥挤寒酸,他们给自己取了这么个绰号。

    The area north of Beijing is populated by young people who call themselves the ' ant tribe ' because of their industriousness as well as their crowded , modest living conditions .