
  • 网络antlion;doodlebug;Myrmeleonmicans
  1. 蚁蛉科脉序名称研究(脉翅目:蚁蛉科)

    Study on terminology of wing venation of Myrmeleontidae ( Neuroptera )

  2. 中国蚁蛉科已记录了33属约100种。

    33 genera and over 100 species were reported in China .

  3. 蚁蛉的研究现状与发展动态

    Research Situation and Development Trends of Myrmeleontidae

  4. 而我可以整天听那位太太喃喃地讲个不休,她相信自己听到的一切,象蚁蛉虫似的。

    But I could listen to this murmuring lady all day and she believed everything she heard , like the doodlebug .

  5. 展示将其应用于蚁蛉模式识别前期处理,以获取主要翅脉尽量完整信息的算法;

    This paper proposes how Tensor Voting algorithm is utilized to get whole information of venation for preprocessing of Myrmeleontidae pattern recognition .