  • 见"蜻蜓"
  • 〔蜻(qīng)~〕见“蜻1”。

  • 〔蝘~〕见“蝘”。

  1. 蝘蜓胰腺5-HT细胞散在分布于胰腺腺泡细胞间,呈椭圆形和锥形。

    In the pancreas of S.iudieus , 5-HT cells were diffusely distributed between the glandular cells and were oval or pyramid in shape .

  2. 我们很幸运,ESO021-G004距离我们约1.3亿光年远,位于南方的小星座蝘蜓座,所以我们更容易观测。

    Lucky for us , ESO 021-G004 resides a relatively nearby 130 million light-years away , in the small southern constellation of Chamaeleon , which makes it easier for us to keep our eyes on .

  3. 肿瘤中见多发蜿蜓纡曲的肿瘤小血管。

    A serials of small serpentine vessels were seen in tumor .

  4. 对采集的蜓类化石进行室内整理鉴定后,共获得15属39种。

    Fifteen genus and thirty nine species fusulinids are identified .

  5. 这是昼蜓科化石在中国的最老记录。

    This is the oldest fossil record of the Hemeroscopidae in China .

  6. 蜓类隔壁褶皱功能的质疑

    A Question About the Function of Septal Fluting of Fusulinids

  7. 这条新建成的公路蜿蜓曲折地穿过群山。

    This newly-built road twisted and turned across the hills .

  8. 蜓科化石时代为晚石炭世晚期之末。

    These fossil activity era was in the end of Late Late Carboniferous .

  9. 湖北南部晚二叠世的[竹蜓]类

    The late & Permian fusulinids in South Hubei

  10. 一条蛇蜿蜓爬过道路。一条蛇盘绕在柱子上。

    A snake wriggled across the road . A snake wrapped around the pillar .

  11. 说明:堰蜓座是位于南天极附近的小星座。

    Explanation : The Chameleon is a small constellation near the south celestial pole .

  12. 那只晴蜓缓缓地扇动着它红色翅脉的翅翼。

    The dragonfly slowly flapped its red-veined wings .

  13. 这时火车蜿蜓在海边,我们第一次一览爱琴海风光。

    And then our train winds its way round the coast for our first view of the Aegean Sea .

  14. 如今,那条湖心小路蜿蜒蜓蜓,曲径通幽,有月光的夜里,树影婆娑。

    That winding path leads to serenity through the lake , with the shadow of trees dancing if the moon is shining .

  15. 主要的生物化石发育于台地相灰岩中,包括蜓类、牙形石等个体较大化石;

    Main oryctocoenose preserved in limestone of platform facies includes various types of large bodies , such as Schwagerina subnathorsti ( Lee ), S.sp .

  16. 即使晴蜓只是路过,当我飞过熟悉或陌生地方或人群,我仍然记得我在那一角落患过伤风。

    Even though the dragonfly just passed by , I will still remember I had got pain in that corner when I fly over the familiar or strange place and crowd .

  17. 通过对莱芜煤田石炭系多门类化石的研究,建立了本区石炭系蜓及牙形刺组合带,在此基础上对其地层层序及生物地层的划分和石炭二叠系界线的确定进行了讨论。

    By systematic study on some categories of biotic fossils discovered in the carboniferous strata of Laiwu coal field , the assemblage of Fusulinida and conodont of this area is established .

  18. 并不仅仅是距离才成就这种迷人的风景,还有那丰饶的物产,大量的橄揽树林,和蜿蜓于林间的适路,都给人赏心悦目的感觉。

    Nor is it only distance that lends enchantment to the view ; for the fruitful country , and rich woods of olive-trees through which the road subsequently passes , render it delightful .

  19. 沿矜婉蜓的骡车道下去,你会发现它是一个原始航海小镇完美的缩影,那将是你生平所见的最有咸味、最粗野,最具海盗气息的小地方。

    Descended into , by the winding mule-tracks , it is a perfect miniature of a primitive seafaring town ; the saltest , roughest , most piratical little place that ever was seen .
