
yǐ hòu
  • queen
  1. 这就是蚁后的专职工作&产卵。

    That 's the queen 's full-time job , laying eggs .

  2. 工蚁从外面采集食物来给蚁后吃。

    From the outside the workers bring in food to the queen .

  3. 产卵是蚁后的专职工作。

    Laying eggs is the ant queen 's full-time job .

  4. 蚁后就住在驾驶座位下的棒棒糖上。

    Queen lives on a blow pop under the driver 's seat .

  5. “当我们播放了蚁后的声音,它们立即做出“准备好了”的姿势。

    When we played the queen sounds they did'en garde'behaviour .

  6. 幸运的蚁城访问者可能会看到蚁后。

    A lucky visitor to the ant city may see the queen .

  7. 由于这个声音,工蚁会喂养和保护蚁后。

    Because of the sounds , worker ants feed and protect the queen ant .

  8. 上百个这样的蚁后有可能从土中的同一个蚁巢飞出。

    Hundreds of them may fly out of a single nest in the soil .

  9. 他的研究表明工蚁在保护它们后代前会先保护被当作蚁后的毛虫。

    His research showed the worker ants would do this before protecting their young .

  10. 已经有一只蚁后了。

    We already have a queen .

  11. 新的电子科技使科学家能够记录蚁后和工蚁的声音。

    New electronic technology made it possible for the scientists to record the queen and worker ant sounds .

  12. 去年夏天,在我家的山顶,我看到一个蚁巢准备放出它们的年轻蚁后。

    Last summer , at the crest of my mountain , I watched an ant city prepare to send forth its young queens .

  13. 工蚁从外面采集食物来给蚁后吃。白羊座:努力工作会带来额外收入。

    From the outside the workers bring in food to the queen . You can make extra cash if you act on a hunch .

  14. 如今新世界每个菁英份子都要做蚁后,要独一无二,又互相看不起大家。

    These days every elite wants to be the " queen ant ", wants to be " unique " and looks down on each other .

  15. 科学家称他们发现了有种毛虫会学蚁后发出的声音,让工蚁认为她是他们的蚁后。

    The scientists say they found that one kind of caterpillar has ways to reproduce a sound that the worker ants think is their queen .

  16. 蚁后数与小兵蚁数、主巢体积和蚁后体积间呈线性回归关系。

    The number of queens was linearly related to the number of little soldiers , the volume of the anthill and the volume of queen .

  17. 但是科学家现在认为蚂蚁社会的头,蚁后,能发出声音以区分自己和其他蚂蚁。

    But scientists now believe that the leader of an ant community , the queen ant , makes sounds that set her apart from other ants .

  18. 蚂蚁-由一只或数只蚁后周围环绕的特化的雌性工蚁构成的群体&是被称为群居性生物的最经典的代表。

    Ants – organized in colonies around one or many queens surrounded by their specialized female workers – are classic examples of what are called eusocial organisms .

  19. 昨天已在四个蚁丘喷上杀虫水,今天会再喷其它蚁丘,希望能够杀死蚁后,使他们无法繁殖。

    Four of the anthills were rayed with pesticide yesterday and the rest will be rayed today in hopes of killing the queen in each colony , halting reproduction .

  20. 一旦其中的蚁群达到一定的数量,这些蚂蚁就匆匆地回到旧窝,开始驮着蚁后和幼蚁,为整个蚂蚁群落搬家。

    Once the crowd reaches a critical mass , the ants race back to the old nest and start carrying the queen and larvae to move the entire colony .

  21. 在它们起飞的同一个精确时刻,由我的妻子负责观察的山脚附近的另一窝同种的蚁族,亦放出它们的蚁后举行飞行婚礼。

    At the precise moment that they took wing , a colony of the same species that my wife was watching near the bottom of the mountain , also sent its queen on a wedding flight .