
yǐ kē
  • Formicidae
蚁科[yǐ kē]
  1. 鄂西南三个自然保护区蚁科昆虫的区系调查

    Fauna of Formicidae ants from three nature reserves in southwest Hubei

  2. 优势类群蚁科、甲螨亚目、线蚓科3类。

    Formicidae dominant groups , a mite suborder , line Lumbricidae in Class 3 .

  3. 蚂蚁为典型的真社会性昆虫,隶属昆虫纲Isecta膜翅目Hymenoptera蚁科Formicidae,是生物多样性重要组成部分之一。

    Ants are the typical eusociality insect , belonging to Formicidae , Hymenoptera . Ant is a conspicuous component of terrestrial biodiversity .

  4. 蚂蚁,隶属于膜翅目(Hymenoptera),蚁科(Myrmicinae),是典型的社会性昆虫,据统计,全世界已记载的现存蚂蚁共16亚科,296属,9538种。

    The ant is a typical social insects which belong to the family Formicidae of the Order Hymenoptera . Based on the statistics , the recorded ants in the world include 16 subfamilies , 296 genera , 9538 species .

  5. 中国蚁科昆虫三新纪录属、种记述

    Three new record genera and species of Formicidae from China

  6. 河南省膜翅目蚁科昆虫名录

    Hymenoptera Formicidae Insects Name Record in Henan Province

  7. 西双版纳热带雨林蚁科昆虫区系分析

    An analysis on the ant fauna of the tropical rain forest in Xishuangbanna of China

  8. 黑龙江省蚁科昆虫资源和区系研究(膜翅目)

    The Resources and Fauna Study on the Formicidae of Heilongjiang Province ( Insects : Hymenoptera );

  9. 新疆蚁科区系及药用蚂蚁资源的初步研究

    The Pilot Study on the Fauna of Formicidae and the Resources of Medical Ants in Xinjiang

  10. 新疆蚁科昆虫调查

    A survey of formicidae from Xinjiang

  11. 中国蚁科研究的展望

    Perspectives on ant research in China

  12. 西双版纳地区不同植被亚型蚁科昆虫群落研究

    A study on communities of Formicidae ants in different subtypes of vegetation in Xishuangbanna District of China

  13. 福建省膜翅目蚁科5新记录属以及31新记录种

    Five new record genus and thirty-one new record species of ant ( Hymenoptera : Formicidae ) in Fujian Province

  14. 蚁科部分种类酯酶同工酶及触角显微结构研究

    The Research on Partial Species of Formicidae ( Insecta : Hymenoptera ) EST Isoenzyme and Microstructure of Antennal Sensilla with Scanning Electron Microscopy

  15. 中性昆虫群落中,以膜翅目蚁科种类及数量最多,其群落数量为2203头,优势度指数为0.2832;

    Among the moderate insect community , the ants of the hymenoptera is more than any other insects as for the species and quantity .

  16. 新种的描述具有重要的科学意义,丰富了中国及世界蚁科昆虫区系的内容。

    Description of the new species is of great scientific significance , and contribute to enrich the knowledge of ant fauna in China and the world .

  17. 通过对不同小区间的相似性比较和区系组成比较,研究了太白山蚂蚁的垂直分布特点和高大的山体、多样的气候等对蚁科南北成分过渡渗透的影响作用。

    The ant vertical distribution characteristics and the resistance of lofty mountain to ant spreading were studied by comparing the similarity and fauna composition of small-zones .

  18. 舟山群岛蚁科记述(膜翅目、蚁科)当看到大群蚂蚁在我们精心准备的午间野餐上爬行时,我们也无法抑制对它们的反感。

    NOTES ON ANTS FROM ZHOUSHAN ISLANDS , ZHEJIANG ( HYMENOPTERA : FORMICIDAE ) when we find hordes of them crawling over a carefully prepared picnic lunch .

  19. 作者在本论文工作中,只身深入豫南、豫西的偏远山区,对两保护区的蚁科昆虫作了较为系统的采集。

    During the research , the auther went alone into remote mountainous area in the South and west of Henan Province and made a systemic collecting of ants .

  20. 科级水平来看蚁科、步甲科和蛉蟋科数量最多,分别占总数的37.7%、25.5%和19.2%。此三科为数量最丰富的类群。

    In the family level , the largest groups were Formicidae , Carabidae and Gryllidae which account for 37.7 % , 25.5 % and 12.9 % of the total .

  21. 中国蚁蛉科已记录了33属约100种。

    33 genera and over 100 species were reported in China .

  22. 小家蚁属(膜翅目:蚁科:切叶蚁亚科)中国三新记录种记述

    Three new record species of the genus Monomorium Mayr ( hymenoptera : formicidae : myrmicinae ) in China

  23. 中国弓背蚁属分类研究(膜翅目:蚁科:蚁亚科)

    A Taxonomy Study on Genus Camponotus from China ( Hymenoptera : Formicidae : Formicinae );

  24. 新疆蚁属一新种记述(膜翅目:蚁科)

    A new species of the genus Formica form Xinjiang ( hymenoptera : formicidae )

  25. 蚁蛉科脉序名称研究(脉翅目:蚁蛉科)

    Study on terminology of wing venation of Myrmeleontidae ( Neuroptera )