- The cart will find its way round the hill when it gets there -- things will eventually sort themselves out;the car will find its way round the hill when it gets there-things will eventually sort themselves out

[the car will find its way round the hill when it gets there-things will eventually sort themselves out] 比喻到时候总有办法可想
Don 't worry about how we 're going to pay for a new machine ; we 'll cross that bridge when we come to it .
We could tell them do not cross that bridge until you come to it .
The cart will find its way round the hill when it gets there .
Do you ordinarily proceed on the assumption that things usually tend to turn out all right ?
" Having said that , time will come round sure enough to consider such options . "
No question is ever an embarrassment to a Muslim , because there is always an answer .
The mistake we made is not at all important . there 's no need to lose any sleep over it . something 's sure to turn up .
Never give up life , it has always believed in a " car to the front there is the way " principle , calmly waiting for things turn for the better , difficult to find a turning point .