
  • 网络friendship hotel;Beijing Friendship Hotel
  1. 兹定于三月二日晚七时半在友谊宾馆举行宴会,敬请光临。

    Your presence is requested at a banquet to be given at the Friendship Hotel at 7:30 p.m. of March 2 .

  2. 友谊宾馆E区楼房的控制爆破拆除

    To demolish the building in area E of Friendship Hotel by controlled blasting

  3. 叔父有病,不能接站,直接前往友谊宾馆105房间,已预订。

    Uncle ill unable meet proceed friendship hotel rm105 reserved .

  4. 辽宁友谊宾馆国宾会所空调设计

    Air conditioning system design for Liaoning Friendship State Guest Chamber

  5. 每天有开往友谊宾馆的交通车服务。

    There is a limousine service to the Friendship Hotel every day .

  6. 大卫:您好!我要去友谊宾馆。

    David : Hello ! I want to go to Friendship Hotel .

  7. 截止到1980年底,他们才完成这座友谊宾馆的建造任务,不是吗?

    By1980 they had finished building the friendship hotel , hadn 't they ?

  8. 我住在友谊宾馆。

    I was staying at the Friendship Hotel .

  9. 北京友谊宾馆米兰咖啡厅室内空间构成

    Milan Cafe In-room Constitution of Beijing Friendship Hotel

  10. 第一天工作结束后我和司机一起把她送回了友谊宾馆。

    After the first day of work finished , the driver and I took her to the Friendship Hotel .

  11. 北京友谊宾馆贵宾楼商务层和总统套间室内装饰工程回眸[上]

    Look back at the Inner Decoration Project of Executive Suite and Presidential Suite in Beijing Friendship Hotel ( I )

  12. 我已于今晨乘火车到达,准备住友谊宾馆。请打电话给我。

    I arrived this morning by train and am going to stay at the Friendship Hotel . Please ring me up .

  13. 我要打市内电话,请你告诉我友谊宾馆的电话号码行吗?

    I 'd like to make a city call , would you please tell me the telephone number of the Friendship Guest House ?

  14. 在友谊宾馆居住的外国专家中有很多来自印度、巴基斯坦、伊拉克、阿尔及利亚、苏丹等国的穆斯林。

    The foreign experts living at the Youyi Binguan include many Muslims from India , Pakistan , Iraq , Algeria , Sudan , etc.

  15. 到了11月中旬的时候,我们这些住在友谊宾馆的外国专家还收到了一本小册子,上面介绍宾馆餐厅所提供的圣诞餐。

    By mid-November at the Friendship Hotel , we had received a pamphlet advertising the Christmas meals to be offered in hotel restaurants .

  16. 我们住在友谊宾馆,离围墙很近,天亮的时候能听到街上有人吐痰的声音。

    We lived in the Friendship Hotel , near the wall . It was so close we could hear people spitting in the streets at dawn .

  17. 现在,住在友谊宾馆的外国专家必须自付煤气和本地的电话费(长途电话费一直是我们自己付)。

    Experts housed in the Friendship Hotel now have to pay for their gas and local phone calls ( we always paid for long-distance calls ) .

  18. 不管客人是住在友谊宾馆还是北京饭店,此时距可口可乐、凯迪拉克或奶酪汉堡涌入北京的时代尚远。

    No matter whether visitors stayed at the Friendship or Beijing Hotel , this was before the arrival of era of Coca Cola , Cadillacs , or cheeseburgers in Beijing .

  19. 凯文是当时最早来到首都北京工作的外国人之一,他每天沿着中关村大街通勤,开车从友谊宾馆到北京大学。

    As one of the first foreigners working in the capital city at that time , Kevin commuted by car every day along the Zhongguancun Street , from Youyi Hotel to Peking University .

  20. 甚至住在友谊宾馆的一些美国人看到十月份就张挂起圣诞装饰也感到奇怪,不过至少他们没有其他民族或其他宗教信仰的人所感受到的那种震动。

    Even some Americans at the friendship hotel were surprised when they saw Christmas decorations in october , but at least they were spared the shock that people of other nationalities and religions felt .

  21. 在首都北京,国宾友谊国际酒店管理公司有两家旗舰式酒店:国宾酒店和北京友谊宾馆。

    In China 's capital city of Beijing , SGF has its two flagship hotels , the State Guest Presidential Plaza Hotel and the Beijing Friendship Hotel ( Asia 's largest garden style hotel ) .