
  • 网络bridge of friendship;friendship bridge
  1. 中国将举全国之力,集世界智慧,将上海世博会打造成一座世界人文交流的友谊之桥。

    We will marshal the full resources of the country and pool the wisdom of the whole world to make the Expo a bridge of friendship and exchanges among people across the globe .

  2. 友谊之桥永不磨灭!

    The soul of friendship will never die !

  3. 你有没有无意中让友谊之桥轰然倒塌,并发现需要一段很长的时间来重修旧好?

    Have you ever burned a bridge unintentionally , and found that it takes a long , long time to repair the relationship ?

  4. 因为这种关系已经被伤害,在极端的情况下你可能甚至会说你和你的朋友之间的友谊之桥已经轰然倒塌。

    Since the relationship has been hurt , in extreme cases you might even say the bridge has been burned between you and your friend .

  5. 刚才,我说到我们希望同欧洲朋友一道,在亚欧大陆架起一座友谊和合作之桥。

    As I just said , I hope to work with our European friends , to build a bridge of friendship and cooperation across the Euro-Asian continent .