
yǒu yì shānɡ diàn
  • friendship store specifically catering to foreign visitors
  1. 于是,北京转而宣布收购沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)的计划,并将其更名为友谊商店。

    Beijing announces plans instead to buy Wal-Mart and rename it The Friendship Store .

  2. 在那边的友谊商店左转就可以。

    Just turn left at the Friendship Store over there .

  3. 当时,友谊商店只对外宾开放。

    At the time the friendship store was exclusively open to foreign visitors .

  4. 我是在友谊商店买的。

    I bought it in the Friendship Store .

  5. 友谊商店在酒店的附近。

    The Friendship Store is near the hotel .

  6. 就在友谊商店向左拐,日坛公园就在前面。

    Just turn left at the Friendship Store and Ritan Park is straight ahead .

  7. 友谊商店很容易到达。

    The friendship store is within easy reach .

  8. 这是友谊商店。专供外国游客买东西的购物中心。

    A This is the Friendship Store . A special shopping center for foreign tourists .

  9. 这是友谊商店。

    This is the Friendship Store .

  10. 前几天我在友谊商店偶然遇见了我的一位朋友。

    I fell across a friend of mine in the Friendship Department Store the other day .

  11. 上海友谊商店,金银珠宝,应有尽有。

    In Shanghai Friendship Store , you can find all sorts of gold , silver and jewelry displayed .

  12. 就连从中国改革开放第一波大潮中遗留下来的友谊商店也变了。

    Even the'Friendship Store ' , a state-owned relic from the first blush of China 's opening to the world , had changed .

  13. 如果出租车司机,友谊商店,中国民航局,长城纪念品摊都收支票,为什么关税局不收?

    If the taxi drivers , the Friendship Stores , CCAC , and the Great Wall souvenir shops accept checks , why won 't the Customs ?

  14. 如果您嫌麻烦,也可以在北京、上海的友谊商店里将东西一次买齐,大城市的友谊商店一般货源都比较充足,而且一般可以代您托运。

    If tourists are not able to reach these cities , most of these products can be purchased in the Friendship Stores in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai . These stores will also help you transport what you have bought .

  15. 任您大展风采的春季时装在友谊,友谊商店欢迎您的光临。

    A galaxy of spring fashions is in the Beijing Friendship Store . All are welcome .