
  • 网络Frenemy;frenemies;friend
  1. 我会将谷歌形容为比以往更为友好的“友敌”(frenemy)。

    I would describe Google as being a friendlier " frenemy " than it has been historically .

  2. “自由市场”与既是股东也是竞争者的eBay保持着不同寻常的关系,加尔佩林称之为“友敌”——但最关键的是这家美国集团承诺至少5年内不会重返拉美。

    MercadoLibre maintains an unusual relationship with eBay - which as both a shareholder and a competitor , Mr Galper í n says , is a " frenemy " - but crucially the US group pledged not to return to the region for at least five years .

  3. 自从人类开始种植自己的食物以来,我们就面临着无法预测的友敌:降雨。

    Ever since humanity began to farm our own food , we 've faced the unpredictable rain that is both friend and enemy .

  4. Duckface一词因为被收录进牛津在线词典而获得正式认可,这意味着,你那些拍照时爱嘟嘴的友敌们可以在2015年接着这么干。

    The term “ duck face ” has gained the legitimacy1 that can only be awarded by an entry into OxfordDictionaries.com , meaning that frenemie of yours that keeps quacking2 it up for the camera can continue to do so into 2015 .

  5. 将这论点放到书中,在柏拉图的《理想国》书中,that,Polemarchus,,from,Plato's,Republic,应会了解,友敌是政治生活的自然演变,与根深蒂固的类别。

    To put the argument in terms Polemarchus would have known , friend and enemy are natural and ineradicable categories of political life .

  6. 胰岛素的促有丝分裂作用:朋友,敌人或是“友敌”?

    Mitogenic action of insulin : friend , foe or'frenemy ' ?

  7. “友敌”:尽管不喜欢,但表面上仍表现得很友好的一种关系。

    Frenemy : a person that one is friendly with despite a fundamental dislike .

  8. 随着中国实力的抬升,其最好的友敌美国占了前10名的另一半。

    As China gains ground , its best frenemy the United States account for the other half of the top 10 spots .

  9. 排在榜单第二位的是佩里的友敌泰勒·斯威夫特,在统计时段她凭借其《名誉》专辑以及随后的巡演揽金8000万美元。

    Coming in second place is Perry 's frenemy , Taylor Swift , who earned $ 80 million over the same period with her " Reputation " album and its subsequent tour .

  10. 这位善耍阴谋诡计的政客费尽心机想要保住他的总统宝座,他没有什么朋友,却有无数的敌人和友敌,但事实上,观众们可以从安德伍德身上学到许多道理。

    The scheming politico obsessed with keeping his post in the Oval Office has few , if any , friends , and countless enemies and frenemies , but viewers actually have much to learn from Underwood .

  11. 要了解目前的战争尽管每隔几年友敌关系总要发生变化,但战争还是那场战争的性质,我们首先必须认识到,这场战争是打不出一个结局来的。

    To understand the nature of the present war for in spite of the regrouping which occurs every few years , it is always the same war one must realize in the first place that it is impossible for it to be decisive .

  12. 班纳,我们是友不是敌

    We are not your enemies , Banner .

  13. 弗洛伊德和他的追随者卡尔荣格之间亦友亦敌的关系也是真的。

    Freud 's complicated , friend-enemy relationship with his follower , Carl jung , is real .

  14. 许诺会赢得朋友,但食言则会化友为敌。

    To keep promise can help you gain the friends , but nonperformance will turn them into enemies .

  15. 苏格拉底,对这个框架的醒悟,在我看来,挑战了政治生活的可能性,就在他提问,或区别友与敌的问题时。

    Socrates'disillusion of that very framework , challenges , it seems to me , the very possibility of political life by questioning the question or the distinction between friend and enemy .

  16. 那些对欧盟日益依赖俄罗斯的危险提出警告的人们,以一种“黑白分明”的眼光看待俄罗斯与欧盟之间的关系,试图将这种关系套入“非友即敌”的过时模式。

    Those who warn of the danger of Europe becoming dependent on Russia see Russia-EU relations in black and white and try to fit them into the obsolete mould of " friend or foe " .

  17. 二战以后,老中两国关系经历了共同浴血奋战的战斗岁月,建立了同志加兄弟友情,也经历过非友即敌的敌视状态。

    After second the war , the historical relations between the two countries have gone through years of fighting of common bloody battles and establishment of the friendship of comrades and brothers and also been " bad and Enemy " the situation .

  18. 亦友,亦敌,比尔.盖茨

    his friend and rival bill gates .

  19. 昨日之友,明日为敌。

    Yesterday 's good might be tomorrow 's evil .