首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 要使百业具兴,则定要创建一国内市场,来避免社会的不稳定。

    because to bring the entire population into growth and prosperity is what will create a domestic market , what will avoid social instability ,

  2. 长期的社会分裂与时局动荡严重阻碍了教育的发展,官学教育举步维艰,与汉代大一统时期学校教育的昌盛相比,这一时期的官学教育显得若有若无,兴废不定。

    Long-term social division and turmoil seriously hampered the development of official education , compared to the prosperity of education in Han Dynasty , the education in Northern and Southern Dynasties which developed in a uncertain way was indistinct and disconnected .