
  • 网络Lespedeza davurica;Lespedeza dahurica;Lespedezadavurica
  1. 兴安胡枝子的抗盐方式属于聚盐型。

    The salt resistant manner for Lespedeza davurica belonged to salt - gathering .

  2. 兴安胡枝子发芽及生长研究

    Study on Germination and Growth of Lespedeza Davurica

  3. 高密度植株矮生长速率慢分枝短,不同密度种内竞争对兴安胡枝子几何形态高度可塑。

    It was suggested that the geometry morphology plasticity highly responsed to intraspecies competition in different density .

  4. 叶和繁殖器官的粗蛋白含量高,结合兴安胡枝子再生性和生物量考虑可利用繁殖器官为饲料,也可以直接收获种子使用。

    The protein content of leaf and reproductive organ was high . Considering plant regeneration and biomass , we can use flower as forage , also can harvest seed for using .