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  • brother
友于 [yǒu yú]
  • [brother] 《尚书.君陈》:惟孝友于兄弟。后割裂用典,以友于代兄弟

  • 朱鲔涉血于友于。-- 南朝梁. 丘迟《与陈伯之书》

  1. 风帆友会员于安拉店选购特定产品,更可享有非常吸引的折扣优惠。

    Wind Fans members can also enjoy a very attractive discount on some of our products while shopping at Wind Shop .

  2. 现友刁量官于第一次世界大战蹬文献。

    There now extensive literature dealing with the First World War .

  3. 2001年,英国地质学家威廉·林赛在香港成立了国际长城之友协会,致力于保护北京周边长城的古朴风貌。

    William Lindesay , a British geologist , founded the International Friends of the Great Wall in 2001 and is working to maintain the undeveloped " wild wall " around Beijing .

  4. 法庭之友最早起源于罗马法,经过了其在英美法中的制度发展和完善,并在欧洲各国及某些国际性法庭得以广泛的司法运用与实践。

    Friend of the court originated from Rome Law , and it was developed and improved during its use in the legal environment of both British laws and American law , and at present it is widely used in European courtiers and some international courts .