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yuàn duì
  • resent;resentment;grudge;enmity
怨怼 [yuàn duì]
  • [grudge] 怨恨;怨望

怨怼[yuàn duì]
  1. 债权人与债务人之间的怨怼情绪可能加剧,欧元破坏欧盟政治与社会凝聚力的风险切实存在。

    Resentment between creditors and debtors is liable to grow and there is a real danger that the euro may destroy the political and social cohesion of the EU .

  2. 荡然无存,剩下我怨怼的泣声。

    That nothing remains , but the cries of my hate .

  3. 一些满腹怨怼的恋人甚至为此诉诸法庭。

    Some bitter lovers even take the case to court .

  4. 这样便形成了一种不太理想的平衡:地板脏兮兮的,而住在屋里的人相互怨怼。

    This led to a suboptimal equilibrium of dirty floors and resentful cohabitants .

  5. 商学院非常明白,不成功的毕业生通常会变成心怀怨怼的校友。

    As schools know too well , unsuccessful graduates usually turn into unsatisfied alumni .

  6. 他就像是最高法院的夜间警卫,对繁复的法律条文与法律程序充满怨怼。

    He resembles the night watchman at the Supreme Court who resents the amount of written law and legal procedures .

  7. 首先,我们要留意的是,他没有对王产生怨怼之心。

    It is worth noting that he did not react against the king , the one who signed the new law .

  8. 信心、诚实、耐力、勇敢,都是创业的资本;等待、拖延、迁怒、怨怼,则是失败的根本。

    Faith , honesty , patience , and courage bring success to a new business . Waiting , procrastinating , hatred , and blaming others for your mistakes bring failure to a business .

  9. 你的财产,荣誉和一时的权力终将枯竭,最后无关紧要。你拥有的和你亏欠的都将毫无意义。你的怨怼,愤恨,沮丧和嫉妒最终都会消失。

    Your wealth , fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance . It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed . Your grudges , resentments , frustrations and jealousies will finally disappear .