
  • 网络Beat a dog;Takao;Takow;Takau;Ta-kau
打狗 [dǎ gǒu]
  • (1) [beat a dog]∶打狗子

  • (2) [Dagou city]∶台湾省高雄市旧名,港口

  1. 爱屋及乌,打狗要看主人面。

    Love me , love my dog . If you love any one , you will like all that belongs to him .

  2. 男孩子们用橡树果打狗逗它玩。

    The boys tease the dog by pebbling it with acorn .

  3. 肉包子打狗,有去无回

    A meat Bun thrown at a dog / By no means retrievable

  4. 我看见那个顽皮的男孩子在打狗。

    I saw the naughty boy hitting the dog .

  5. 那个男人用报纸打狗。

    The man hit the dog with a newspaper .

  6. 肉包子打狗,一去不复返。

    A dog given a bone who doesn 't come back for more .

  7. 在17世纪,另一个职业选择是成为一名打狗者。

    Another career option during the1600 's was the position of dog whipper .

  8. 如果你用骨头打狗,那么它就不会叫。

    A dog will not howl if you beat him with a bone .

  9. 他用骨头投过去打狗。

    He threw a bone at the dog .

  10. 他把打狗视作是对主人的攻击。

    He viewed your beating his dog as the attack on it 's owner .

  11. 有心打狗好找棍。(或译:欲加之罪,何患无辞。)

    He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find a stick .

  12. 那些男孩扔石头打狗。

    The boys stoned the dog .

  13. 自8月打狗运动以来,数万只狗被根除。

    Tens of thousands of dogs have been culled since the eradication campaign began in August .

  14. 在中国有句谚语“打狗也要看主人。”美国已经拴了皮带在日本,所以我建议中国不要惹我们的狗。

    The U.S.has the leash on Japan so I advice China not to mess with our dog .

  15. 他一边骂,一边拣起一根木棍,追上去要打狗。

    While cursing , he picked up a wooden stick and chased the dog to beat it .

  16. 在巴布亚新几内亚的偏远村庄加庞(Gapun),孩子们被怂恿着去打狗和鸡,对着兄弟姐妹挥舞刀子。

    In Gapun , an isolated village in Papua New Guinea , children are encouraged to hit dogs and chickens , and to raise knives at siblings .

  17. 这时候,杨朱看见弟弟要打狗,急忙跑出来,拉住杨布,说:

    When Yang Zhu saw that his brother was going to beat the dog , he hurriedly came out , took hold of Yang Bu and said :

  18. 私下里,文强的死刑执行是对汪、贺重庆领导工作的一个隐式攻击-“打狗也要看主人,”一位人士表示。

    Privately , the Wen execution was an implicit attack on their stewardship of Chongqing - " beating the dog while the master watches , " one person said .

  19. 那个男孩用一把小刀换了一个棒球棍。在金庸的小说里,丐帮帮主善使打狗棒。

    The boy traded his knife for a baseball bat . In Jin Yong 's novels , the master of a gang named Gai is very good at using a special kind of stick .