
chāo sòng
  • make a copy for;send a duplicate to;send a (duplicate) copy
抄送 [chāo sòng]
  • [send a (duplicate) copy] 将复制件送往[某人或某单位]

抄送[chāo sòng]
  1. 你的报告给我抄送一份好吗?

    Can you copy me in on your report ?

  2. 也不要随意乱用抄送,不然会造成对方收件箱的混乱

    Be cautious with your use of CC ; overuse simply clutters inboxes .

  3. 能帮你解决这个问题的最佳人选是梅——我把她抄送在这封邮件里了。

    The best person to help with this is Mei – copied in here .

  4. 我把这个邮件抄送给DDDD的同时我已经准备好了承担责任。

    As I fwd this mail to DDDD and you all , I have prepared to take the responsibility .

  5. 填写收件人、抄送人及密件抄送人字段时提示姓名

    Suggest names while completing To , Cc , and Bcc fields

  6. 抄送:~~输入所有接收者的邮件地址,中间以半角的分号分隔。

    Cc : ~ ~ Enter recipients , separated by semicolons .

  7. 显示电子邮件通讯簿,以便在匿名抄送框中添加收件人

    Displays the e-mail address book to add recipients to the Bcc field

  8. 我的姓名在收件人或抄送框中

    Where my name is in the To or Cc box

  9. 从坏里说,密件抄送是一种欺骗和不道德的行为。

    At worst , it 's deceitful or unethical .

  10. 刚给校长发了邮件并抄送给其他相关人员。

    Just composed a email to the Vice Chancellor and c.c.to many related o.

  11. 所有电子邮件真的有必要全部抄送给你吗?

    Do you really have to be cc 'd on all those emails ?

  12. 即使从好里说,密件抄送功能也显得有点偷偷摸摸,而且存在一定风险。

    At best , the ' blind copy ' field is sneaky and risky .

  13. 将抄送:中的收件人添加到通讯簿

    Add CC : recipients to your Address Book

  14. 可以在撰写的所有邮件中显示“密件抄送”框。

    You can display the BCC box in all new messages that you compose .

  15. 只有必要的时候才可以使用抄送和密送功能。

    You should use the cc and bcc options only where it is important .

  16. 在“收件人”或“抄送”框中,输入库的地址。

    In the to or CC box , enter the address of the library .

  17. 在“收件人”和“抄送”框中输入用分号分隔的收件人姓名。

    In the to and CC boxes , enter recipient names separated by semicolons .

  18. 我抄送给您,这样您也能收到此邮件了。

    I cc 'd you , so you 'll get the e-mail as well .

  19. 而且,收件人有时会选择“全部回复”,这样就会发现存在密件抄送方。

    Plus , blind recipients sometimes hit ' reply all , ' revealing the deception .

  20. 与同事协定哪些邮件需要抄送给你,以避免收到不必要的邮件。

    Establish a clear protocol with colleagues about when to cc you to avoid unnecessary e-mails .

  21. 假释裁定的副本应当抄送人民检察院。

    A duplicate of the ruling on parole shall be sent to the people 's procuratorate .

  22. 超过250名申请移居英国的人被错误地抄送到了一封电子邮件中。

    More than 250 people seeking relocation to the UK were mistakenly copied in to an email .

  23. 在“收件人”、“抄送”或“密件抄送”文本框中,键入收件人的电子邮件地址。

    Type the e-mail addresses of the recipients in the to , cc , or BCC boxes .

  24. 必须至少在收件人、抄送或密件抄送文本框中输入一个姓名。

    You must enter at least one name in the To , Cc , or Bcc box .

  25. 请将文件抄送给我即可,这样您就不用发送两次了。

    Just copy me on the e-mail so you don 't have to send two separate e-mails .

  26. 在抄送域中输入电子邮件地址可以通过电子邮件将此文章的副本发送给其它人。

    Enter e-mail addresses in the CC field to send people copies of the article by e-mail .

  27. 显示“密件抄送”字段

    Show the Blind-Carbon-Copy field

  28. 总裁以书面形式批复特价申请,并同时抄送财务部经理;

    President in writing to apply for special approval , and copied to the Ministry of Finance Manager ;

  29. 抄送的内容包括:机构内容、住所、法定代表人、联系电话、邮政编码。

    The contents shall include : organizationinstitution information , address , legal representative , contact number and postal code .

  30. 珀迪说,有的人可能过于生硬唐突,或者总是在电子邮件上标注紧急,或者什么都抄送。

    Maybe someone is overly brusque , or is always putting urgent or copying everything , Mr. Purdy says .