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chāo jiā
  • search the house and confiscate the property;search sb.'s house and confiscate his property
抄家 [chāo jiā]
  • [search the house and confiscate the property] 抄没家庭财产

抄家[chāo jiā]
  1. 我的行李里有两个木质板条箱,里面装着父亲收集的中国古典文学,是我家被抄家时抢救下来的。

    My luggage consisted of two wooden crates containing my father 's collection of Chinese classics , which I 'd rescued after my house was ransacked .

  2. 他的作品的价格虽然节节攀升,但是这价格是从他完成作品后经过多次转卖所得的,而真正获利的是在二手市场上抄家。

    His work has ballooned in price , but the pieces have changed hands several times since he made them , so the sales are in the secondary market .

  3. 由于受观念的束缚和性格的影响,于谦又在夺门之变中无所作为,最终惨遭杀害并被抄家,成为宫廷斗争的牺牲品。

    Yu Qian is affected by constraint and personality in idea , does nothing in " change forcing the way to ", murdered and searched and confiscate finally , become the victim of struggling in the palace .