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  1. 目前,OmniFind不支持使用IFS路径来索引流文件以外的对象类型。

    OmniFind does not support using an IFS path to index object types other than stream files at this time .

  2. 近十年来索膜建筑体系在我国有较快的发展,但在工程设计领域对此了解与认识相对滞后。

    But it is relatively lagging behind to be recognized and understood in the field of engineering design .

  3. 最小二乘偏移方法采用另一种思路,即采用数值方法,通过解一个线性离散反问题来索求解。

    Alternatively , least-squares migration method involves a numerical approach where the solution is retrieved by solving a linear discrete inverse problem .

  4. 提出了利用CR法来研究索拱结构的面内稳定问题的方法。

    Co-rotational formulation is proposed and used to solve the in-plane stability of cable-arch structure .

  5. 文章利用描述粘弹性蠕变行为的Burgers四元件模型来模拟索膜结构的蠕变性能,推导出蠕变影响的有限元方程。

    Here , creep performance of a cable-membrane structure was analyzed by using a four-element Burger model to describe viscoelastic solid creep and produce a finite element equation that considers creep affect .

  6. 从预应力状态开始,通过控制索原长来追踪索在施工中的张拉力。

    Starting from the pre-stressed state , the tension force was calculated by controlling the initial cable length .

  7. 近年来,索梁耦合结构在工程实际中得到了广泛的应用。

    The cable-stayed beam has been widely used in civil engineering structures and mechanical systems in recent years .

  8. 基本单元和整个结构本身能达到自平衡,不需依赖主承重结构或刚性环来抵消索系的预应力作用。

    The element and the whole structure can keep balance themselves , no needing load-bearing structure or stiff annular beam .

  9. 您被传召是来回答索若小姐的问题的,而不是来卖弄您的智力的。

    You 've been called here to answer Miss Sorrel 's questions , not to give us a display of your intellectual prowess .

  10. 她本可以象往常一样,在床上躺上大半个上午,可是今天,她的起床动作比往常来得利索。

    Although she could have lain in bed most of the morning as she mostly did , she got out of it quicker today than usual .

  11. 阳光谷钢结构对几何初始缺陷不敏感,阳光谷上由索膜结构传来的索拉力可进一步降低其缺陷敏感性;

    The Sun Valley steel structures are not sensitive to initial geometric imperfections in general , and the tensile forces from cable-membrane structure further reduce the imperfection sensitivity .

  12. 查阅大量的参考资料表明,对索膜结构蠕变性能的研究很少,由于缺少参考资料,所以本文是借鉴类似膜材料的其它复合材料的蠕变性能,来研究索膜结构的蠕变性能。

    Consult large numbers of reference data indicate , study on cable-membrane structure creep performance is very few . , due to lace reference data , so this paper use for reference other composite material like membrane material creep performance , study cable-membrane structure creep performance .

  13. 这使得已有研究成果在此类结构上的应用受到了限制,因此往往需要通过足尺疲劳试验来验证索梁锚固结构的疲劳性能。

    This limits the applications of existing research achievements in this kind of structure . Therefore , full-scale fatigue test is required to verify the fatigue properties of cable-beam anchorage zones . Meanwhile , the study of fatigue load spectrum for highway bridges in China is not complete .

  14. 但是拉到快绷断的当儿,他就握稳了钓索,身子朝后倒,来抵消钓索上的那股拉力。

    But when he was touching the breaking point he held steady and settled back against the strain of the line .

  15. 然后利用影响矩阵的概念,令索力为受调向量,索长为施调向量,通过控制各索的长度来调整优化索力。

    After obtaining the whole loads we optimize cable tension by means of controlling cable length on the basis of influence matrix method .

  16. 最小弯曲能量法以结构的弯曲应变能为目标函数,通过求出最小弯曲能量来求得合理索力。

    The least bending energy method takes the bending energy as the objective function , and gets the reasonable cable forces by seeking the least bending energy .

  17. 计算以结构整体为研究对象,通过控制索的张拉力来求出索原长。

    At the meantime , the alteration rule of cable tension was generalized . The initial length of cable was calculated by means of controlling cable force for the whole structure .

  18. 首次明确指出仅仅依靠增加模拟案例的数量,根据对模拟案例的总结归纳来识别受损索是非常困难的,其结论往往是不可靠的。

    It is firstly definitely pointed out that the identification results of damaged cables are quite potentially unreliable , if the identification just based on increasing the amount of simulation cases and lingual description of the database of the simulation cases .

  19. 为了提高计算和分析的效率,本文采用了一种新的渐近抽取与展开技术〔1〕来分析计算索沫菲积分,利用该方法可以降低索沫菲积分的维数,从而达到提高计算效率的目的。

    In this paper , a new method combining asymptotic extracting technique and expansion method 〔 1 〕 was presented . Using this method the dimension of the Sommerfeld Integrals were lowered so the aim to improve the calculation efficiency could be achieved .

  20. 该综合方法以最小弯曲能量法确定的状态为初始状态,它是进行调索的基础,然后根据主梁弯矩合理来进行调索,进而得出合理索力。

    The synthetic method takes the state determined by least bending energy as its initial state , which is the base to adjust cable forces . Then according to the girders ' reasonable moment , cable forces are adjusted to get the reasonable forces .

  21. 然而,您可以直接使用它们来确定通过哪些索引号找到哪些对象。

    However , you can use them directly to determine which objects are found in which indices .

  22. 我必须用自己的身子来缓冲这钓索的拉力,随时准备用双手放出钓索。

    I must cushion the pull of the line with my body and at all times be ready to give line with both hands .

  23. 研究结论:道岔柱应采用双腕臂结构、特殊设计来避免承力索间相互碰磨、改善承力索悬挂结构及使用承力索预型保护条。

    Research conclusions : The structure of double cantilevers and special design should be adopted to turnout mast for the purpose of avoiding wear between catenaries , improving suspension structure of catenary and allowing usage of preformed protection line for catenary .