
  1. 对照DOS来学UNIX文件操作命令

    Learning File Operating Commands of UNIX by Comparing DOS

  2. Nation把根据前后缀和词根来学单词归类为词汇学习三大策略之一。

    Nation concluded learning words by the analysis of each word in terms of affixes and roots as one of the three major strategies to learn English words .

  3. 我将介绍你一个课程来学英语。

    I will introduce a program for learning English for you .

  4. 那个妇女买了一本烹调书来学烹调。

    The woman bought a cookbook to learn how to cook .

  5. 旅客乙:我来学汉语。你呢?

    Passenger A : What purpose do you come to China ?

  6. 选了个错误的时间来学里偷闲。

    Picked the wrong night to take a study break .

  7. 为什么你们想要来学功夫?

    Why do you two want to learn kung fu ?

  8. 大部分来学滑雪的女孩实际上是来结识新朋友的。

    Most of the snow bunnies come here to socialize .

  9. 欢迎你到我的课堂来学更多的内容!

    If you want to learn more , welcome to my class !

  10. 我们现在来学“我们会唱歌跳舞”这支歌好吗?

    Shall we learn the song'We can sing and dance'now ?

  11. 我必须挤出时间来学英语!

    I have to steal time to learn English !

  12. 在暑假里挪一点时间来学做菜吧。

    Use some of your summer free time to learn how to cook .

  13. 中国当下文化与后现代性的关系是近年来学界十分关注的问题。

    Post-modern cultural phenomena resulted from post-modernity or the practice of post-modern theories .

  14. 我强烈呼吁大家来学“一口气英语”。

    I dare you to learn One Breath English .

  15. 理发师第一次肯定拿一个傻瓜来学着做实验。

    A barber learns to shave by shaving fools .

  16. 要调好干部来学。

    We must select from among the good cadres .

  17. 还好我有一个月来学。

    But I have a month to accomplish this .

  18. 我们来学怎么用电脑。

    Let 's learn how to use the computer .

  19. 他告诉夏恩他们要来学学何谓良好的运动家精神。

    He told Shane that they were going to learn about good sportsmanship .

  20. 近期的美术培训学校,来学画画的大多都是高中学生。

    Recently , most students in fine art training schools are high school students .

  21. 今天就来学上几个吧!

    Let 's learning some slang words today !

  22. 选择你感兴趣的主题来学英语

    Study English by Choosing Topics that Interest You

  23. 我来学英语和德语就是。

    I will learn English and German .

  24. 现在我们来学课文。

    Now lets come to the text .

  25. 如果在美国想要学中文,大家一般会通过哪些方式来学呢?

    If Americans want to learn Chinese , generally , how can they learn it ?

  26. 格兰特小姐:安静。好,我们来学一些新单词。

    Miss Grant : Be quiet . OK . Let 's learn some new words .

  27. 你到这儿来学什么艺呀?

    What trade are you learning here ?

  28. 想想如果要你来学中文。

    Let 's try to learn Chinese .

  29. 我认为只要你使用英语来学英语,你就能学好英语!

    I think if you use English to learn English , you can learn English well .

  30. 我想我必须努力研究这些规则,通过做来学。

    I think I have to work hard on those rules and more learning by doing .