
  1. 他被授予了美国总统自由勋章、英国爵士头衔和法国荣誉军团勋章。

    He has been awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom , a British knighthood and the French Legion of Honour .

  2. 奇幻与科幻作家厄苏拉·K·勒·奎恩(UrsulaK.LeGuin)获得了美国文学卓越贡献勋章(MedalforDistinguishedContributiontoAmericanLetters)。

    The fantasy and science fiction writer Ursula K. Le Guin was awarded the Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters .

  3. 奥迪.墨菲是美国史上获颁勋章最多的军人。

    Audie Murphy was the most decorated soldier in American history .

  4. 美国陆军授予的勋章,奖励打击武装敌人时异乎寻常的英雄行为。

    A US Army decoration for extraordinary heroism against an armed enemy .

  5. 美国空军授予的勋章,奖给空战中值得称赞的功绩。

    A US Airforce decoration for meritorious achievement while participating in an aerial flight .

  6. 路西德至今仍为唯一获得美国国会太空荣誉勋章的女性。

    Lucid remains the only woman to have been awarded with the Congressional Space Medal of Honor .

  7. 来自英国,法国,美国,澳大利亚的勋章纷至沓来,但生活将再也不会恢复往日的幸福了。

    Decorations galore from Britain , France , America and Australia awaited her , but life would never be as good again .

  8. 相对于法国政府颁发的荣誉勋章和美国的国会荣誉勋章,英国的授勋体系勋章类型繁多,因而让人有些摸不着头脑。

    While France has its Legion of Honour and the US gives out the Congressional Medal , Britain has a very confusing system with many different medals .

  9. 美国当代著名作家威廉·斯泰伦虽著作不多,但他的每部小说都堪称精品,先后获得了罗马奖,普利策奖,美国国家图书奖,及美国国家艺术勋章。

    William Styron , a celebrated contemporary American writer , is not a prolific writer . However each novel he writes can be rated as treasure which earns him the Rome Prize , the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction , and the National Medal of Arts .