
  • 网络Mexican American War;the Mexican-American War;the Mexican War
  1. 在得克萨斯合并以后,争执触发了在墨西哥和美国之间的美墨战争。

    This dispute would later become a trigger for the Mexican-American War after the annexation of Texas .

  2. 25年后,美墨战争更使美国夺走了它在今天属于美国的领土。

    About 25 years after that , the Mexican-American War eliminated its territory in the modern US .

  3. 在美墨战争期间,他曾拿下韦拉克鲁斯并占领墨西哥城。

    During the war with Mexico , he had captured Vera Cruz and occupied Mexico City .

  4. 在接下来的30年里,他赢得了重大的军事胜利,其中包括1847年美墨战争中的维斯塔战役。

    He spent the next three decades winning major military victories , including the Battle of Buena Vista in 1847 during the Mexican-American War .

  5. 不论会出现何种诠释,事实是,这场战役和随后的美墨战争使美国的版图扩大了一倍,成为太平洋和大西洋环抱的国家,成为世界舞台上一个重要强国。

    Whatever perspectives might emerge , the fact is that because of this battle and the Mexican-American War that followed , the United States doubled in size , became a bi-coastal nation and an important power on the world stage . And it all started here .