
  • 网络American Pop;L.A. POP
  1. 美国流行音乐已传播到世界各地。

    American pop music has been exported around the world .

  2. 中国大陆对美国流行音乐的研究(1983-2003)

    American Pop Music Research in Chinese Mainland ( 1983 & 2003 )

  3. 2007年到2010年金融危机期间,“宅度假”在美国流行开来。

    Staycations achieved popularity2 in the US during the financial crisis3 of 2007 – 2010 .

  4. 上世纪70年代,友情手链初次在美国流行开来,在青少年群体中佩戴较为普遍。

    Friendship bracelets first became popular in the United States during the 1970s and are commonly worn by both male and female teenagers .

  5. 杭盖街(HangGai)上的BooSkateshop服装店背后的团队吸取了当今美国流行趋势中的时尚元素。

    The team behind Boo Skateshop in Hang Gai , draws from current American trends .

  6. 据悉,美国流行乐组合后街男孩将参加辽宁卫视春晚的录制。而去年以一曲《江南Style》红遍全球的“鸟叔”也将亮相上海东方卫视春晚,“鸟叔”将在现场教林志玲跳“骑马舞”。

    such as the Backstreet Boys who will perform on China 's Liaoning Province Television 's Spring Festival Gala and " Gangnam Style " singer Psy , who is set for Shanghai 's Dragon TV 's Spring Festival Gala with Taiwanese supermodel Lin Chi-ling 。

  7. 为了使这项运动在美国流行起来,CricketGear想要建立Web页,使潜在的板球选手浏览该站点并定购装备。

    In an effort to make the game popular in the United States , CricketGear wants to create a Web presence that would let potential cricket players surf its site and place orders for equipment .

  8. 尼尔.麦考米克回顾了美国流行天后麦当娜在海德公园的演唱会,这次演唱会是她MDNA世界巡演的一部分。

    Neil McCormick reviews US pop star Madonna 's concert at Hyde Park , part of her MDNA Tour .

  9. 三国杀是一款经典桌上游戏,由传媒大学的四名大学生根据美国流行桌游“BANG!”设计而来。

    Popular Desktop Card Game : The Killers of Three Kingdoms The Killers of Three Kingdoms is a desktop card game , which is designed by four students from Communication University of China based on " BANG ! , " an American game .

  10. 美国流行乐坛天后麦当娜55岁不服老,星期三在图片分享应用Instagram上上传一张在健身中心的劈叉照片,展示自己的柔韧性不减当年。

    Even at 55 , Madonna 's still got it ! The superstar posted yet another photo of her fit physique on her Instagram account on Wednesday showing off she is just as flexible as her Danceteria days .

  11. 乡村音乐是美国流行音乐的一种主要形式。

    Country music is a main kind of American popular music .

  12. 美国流行的观点,我们几乎马上可在本地听到附和的声音。

    Views that are fashionable there will almost be echoed here immediately .

  13. 猫王对美国流行音乐有很大影响。

    Elvis had a big influence on American pop music .

  14. 美国流行歌曲中的女性形象分析(1960&2003)

    Female Images Analysis in American Popular Lyrics ( 1960-2003 );

  15. 这位美国流行歌手被爆正和英国创作型歌手艾德希兰约会。

    The American pop star is reportedly dating British singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran .

  16. 一种变节奏的舞蹈最早在美国流行。

    A syncopated ballroom dance formerly popular in the us .

  17. 美国流行文化展览也设在第三层。

    An exhibit of American popular culture is also on the third floor .

  18. 美国流行含有名字的个性化服装和玩具

    Customized costume and toys with names prevail in USA

  19. 现代沐浴疗法和水疗法首先开始在美国流行。

    Modern medicinal bathing or hydrotherapy first became popular in the United States .

  20. 詹纳的出现是美国流行文化史上的一个重要时刻。

    Jenner 's coming-out is a big moment in US pop culture history .

  21. 他的许多歌曲成为美国流行文化的不朽之作。

    Many of his songs have become timeless additions to America 's popular culture .

  22. 戴:在节目单上有一个特别节目&美国流行音乐。

    There was a special item on the programme-American pop ( popular ) music .

  23. 我看这种习惯不太可能在美国流行起来。

    This is not a habit I can see catching on in the US .

  24. 海啸般的美国流行文化把任何挡住它去路的东西都一扫而光。

    The tsunami that is American popular culture sweeps aside everything in its path .

  25. 在美国流行的电视连续剧里,警官托德和马尔登引导汽车54。

    Police officers toody and Muldoon navigated car 54 in a popular American television series .

  26. 美国流行歌手凯蒂•佩里也承认通过食用蘑菇来保持体型。

    US pop star Katy Perry also admitted to using mushrooms to stay in shape .

  27. 从美国流行小儿麻痹症的日子以来就没有过。

    Not since the days of polio .

  28. 欺骗在美国流行吗?

    Is cheating becoming epidemic in America ?

  29. 每周的这个时间,我们讲述美国流行的单词和词组。

    Every week at this time , we tell about popular American words and expressions .

  30. 至今,它仍在美国流行乐坛上独领乡村音乐的风骚。

    So far , it is still a rural American pop music , music coquettish independence .