
  • 网络Delicious fish;Tasty Fish
  1. 在加拿大的艾利斯摩尔岛,一只北极狼知道在这种天气下美味的鱼总躲在冰层之下。

    The freezer may look bare but an arctic wolf knows a tasty fish might be within reach in the shallows off Canada 's Ellesmere Island .

  2. 美味的鱼、牛肉和披萨。

    Great fish dishes , beef and pizza .

  3. 或者说,苹果就像一家制造商,生产更美味的鱼食。

    Apple as a manufacturer of sweeter-tasting fish food .

  4. 汉译英,这是最著名的城镇之一,它以美味的鱼而闻名。

    This is one of the famous towns , it was famous for delicious food .

  5. 晚上我们吃到了美味的鱼,这是颜光平从渔夫那里为我们买来的。

    For supper we ate some delicious fish that Yuan Guang Ping bought for us from the fisherman .

  6. 你可以在人迹罕至的海边旅馆中,坐在棕榈树的阴影中品尝美味的鱼;

    Sit and eat a delicious fish dinner under the shade of a palm tree at a hard-to – find seaside restaurant .

  7. 益处:河豚在日本非常受欢迎,它被誉为最美味的鱼。

    The good : An incredibly expensive delicacy in Japan , the puffer fish has been praised as the most delicious of all fish .

  8. 沿岛水产供应我们船上餐桌许多美味的鱼,鳍鱼、鲤鱼、乳白鱼,以及好几种属于鳗鱼类的海蛇。

    Its waters supplied excellent fish for the tables on board : mackerel , bonito , albacore , and a few varieties of that sea serpent named the moray eel .

  9. 儿子和儿媳每天走很远的路挑水和烧美味的鱼以孝顺母亲,且从不抱怨艰辛。

    A son and his wife walked long distance every day to retrieve water from the river , and cooked delicious fish to satisfy his mother cravings , never complaining about the fatigue .

  10. 人们举行隆重的户外庆祝仪式(气温经常低至0°C以下)。庆典上有美味的碧古鱼杂烩,三明治,甚至还有碧古鱼味的爆米花.

    Residents hold an entire outdoor celebration ( where the temperatures can often be well below freezing ) with walleye chowder , sandwiches and even walleye-flavoured popcorn .

  11. 美味好吃的鱼!鱼叉手喊,他只是从口味的观点来看鱼类。

    the harpooner exclaimed , interested in fish only from an edible viewpoint .

  12. 美味的吞拿鱼配生菜是蛋白质和维生素的优质选择。

    A tuna salad on top a bed of lettuce is one option that is a delicious source of protein and vitamins .