
  • 网络art archaeology
  1. 美术考古虽是一门科学,但是其与艺术的关系是非常亲密的。

    Even through it is a scientific major , art archaeology is a science closely related to the arts .

  2. 在这篇论文中,笔者试图运用美术考古的方法研究汉画像石。

    In this Thesis , we try to applying the way of art archaeology to research Han dynasty stone relief .

  3. 弥勒造像作为佛教造像的一个重要内容与特殊题材,无论从美术史、美术考古以及佛教艺术角度,都是弥足珍贵的文化遗产。

    Maitreya statues are considered as the most important content and special theme of Buddhism statues . No matter from which angle - Art history , Art archaeology or Buddhist art , it is extraordinary precious cultural heritage .

  4. 唐朝长安及其关中地区墓志上的四神纹饰不仅具有丰富的思想内涵和寓意,还是中国传统图案的杰出代表,更为美术、历史、考古等研究提供了宝贵的资源。

    These epitaphs not only has the rich connotation and meaning , but also the outstanding representative of the traditional Chinese pattern . More importantly , they offered valuable resources for art , history , and archaeological research .

  5. 学者滕固在其短暂的一生中致力于美术史研究与美术考古。

    As a scholar , Teng Gu had been devoted himself to the study of art history and art archaeology in his short life .

  6. 在其短暂的一生中,致力于美术史研究与美术考古研究,成为中国现代文化转型时期一位不可忽视的中坚人物。

    Though his life is short , yet he focuses his research on the art history and art archaeology and is one of the leading scholars in the transformation of modern Chinese culture .