
  1. 通过电子商务手段降低矿产品贸易交易成本,提高交易有效性和交易效率,进而优化产业供应链,是提升矿产品贸易资源配置效率的重要手段。

    Electronic commerce is a very important means for improving the efficiency of allocating resources of mineral products trade because it can reduce the exchanging cost of the products and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the trade and optimize resources industry supply chain .

  2. 江苏建材非金属矿产品国际贸易

    On the development of international trade of nonmetal building materials in Jiangsu Province

  3. 矿业全球化主要表现在:矿业投资全球化、跨国矿业公司的兼并、矿产品国际贸易全球化和矿业政策调整的全球化。

    It is reflected in mining investment globalization , merge of transnational mining companies , the globalization of mining products and mining industrial tragedy adjustment in countries all over the world .

  4. 日照市兴利贸易有限公司是主营金属和矿产品的国际贸易公司,向我们的联合中型钢铁企业提供矿石原料,在国内享有盛誉。

    Rizhao Xingli Trading Co. , ltd is one of the international trading company , mainly dealing and supplying metalic mineral resources to our joint medium-size steel mills with high prestige in China .

  5. 根据中国海关统计数据,跟踪研究分析了2002年中国矿产品进出口贸易的情况,归纳总结出2002年中国矿产品进出口贸易的一些主要特点

    According to the basic information of customs statistics , the paper analyzes the facts of import and export trade of the China 's mineral products in 2002 Also the main characteristics of china 's mineral product trade in 2002 are summarized