
  1. 本文先用传统几何方法&平行块段法进行重庆市开县石灰石矿矿产资源量估算,再利用MATLAB的矩阵运算及强大的图形绘制功能,进行算法分析,再用C语言编写MATLAB程序代码。

    The master thesis deal the mineral resources potential evaluation of Limestone quarry of Kaixian of Chongqing in traditional geometrical method firstly , then using the matrix and powerful function of drawing of MATLAB , doing the algorithm analysis , writing the MATLAB programs in C language .

  2. 据此提出:①当今国家所公布的资源量系指第一深度空间(0~500m)找矿、勘探和开发的资源量,尚不能完全表征全国金属矿产资源量的全部;

    According to these the author suggest that : 1 the present resources published by the state are those for exploration and exploitation in the first deep space ( 0-500 m ), which cannot represent all the metallic mineral resources of the country ;

  3. 矿产资源量计算与预测效果评价的方法和程序

    Method and program for calculation of mineral deposit resource quantity and evaluation of prediction effect

  4. 大比例尺矿床统计预测中,矿产资源量的估计是矿体定位预测的前提,其中精度最高的方法是体积估计法。

    In large scale statistical prediction of Au ore deposits mineral resource estimation is the prerequisite for location of the predicted ore bodies . Volumetric estimation method is the most accurate one .

  5. 矿床工业指标既是圈定矿体计算矿产资源量的重要指标,也是矿产资源评估、项目建设可行性研究和影响矿山生产经营的敏感指标。

    Mineral deposit industrial targets is essential in calculating ore resource and selecting deposit , as well as a sensitive targets in estimating ore resource , project feasibility research and guiding mine 's operation .

  6. 封面故事:人均矿产资源消费量与人均GDP关系曲线。

    Cover Story : The relationship curve between the consumption of mineral resources per capita and the GDP per capita .

  7. 人均矿产资源消费量是衡量经济发展水平的重要指标。

    The consumption of mineral resources per capita is an important indicator of economic development .

  8. 目前世界矿产资源消耗量持续增长,导致矿物原料资源储量减少甚至枯竭。

    At present , world consumption of mineral resources is on the increase , so mineral resources reserves is declining and even exhausted .

  9. 攀西地区矿产资源贮量之多、组合之丰是我国绝无仅有的,水能资源也名列前茅。且有独具特色的立体气候资源,这一切使攀西成为大西南开发的首位区域。

    Panxi area in Sichuan Province is unique because of its diversity in mineral deposits and abundant water energy and vertical climatic resources .

  10. 但由于长期开采,矿产资源消耗量大,急需寻找接替资源,个旧西区具有良好的找矿前景。

    However , long-term exploitation of mineral resources consumed in large quantities , the current stage has been to search for substitute resources . Gejiu Western with good prospects .

  11. 因此,采矿权的估价不仅要反应矿产资源储藏量价值的变化规律,还要符合矿产品市场价格的变化动态。

    Therefore , mining rights evaluation shall not only reflect the changing law of the value of mineral reserves , but also conform to the trends of market price .

  12. 未来的资源定量评价希望能够评估未发现矿产资源的量、价值并对其进行定位预测,以能够表达矿产资源的经济潜力和不确定性。

    Future quantitative assessments will be expected to estimate quantities , values , and locations of undiscovered mineral resources in a form that conveys both economic viability and uncertainty associated with the resources .

  13. 随着国内外对矿产资源需求量的增大以及全球矿产资源的逐渐递减,矿产资源的保护性开发已经成为全球从事矿山、地质以及能源等有关部门关注的焦点。

    With the increasing requirement of mineral resources at home and abroad and gradually decreasing of global mineral resources , protection and development of mineral resources become an important topic of the related departments .

  14. 罗布泊区域矿产资源蕴藏量极为丰富,随着罗布泊矿产资源的不断开发,各种建设的建筑物逐渐增多,遇到的盐渍土问题也日益突出。

    Lop Nur region is extremely rich in mineral resources and reserves , with the continuous development of mineral resources in Lop Nor and various buildings are increasing gradually , the saline soil problems are becoming a serious problem .

  15. 经济的快速发展离不开资源的支撑,伴随我国经济的快速发展,矿产资源消耗量的逐年增加,矿区环境问题也日益突出。

    The rapid economic development is inseparable from the support of resources . Along with the rapid development of China economy , mineral resources consumption increases year by year , environment problem at the mining area has become increasingly prominent .

  16. 随着我国矿产资源消耗量的不断增加,由资源枯竭所引起的矿山危机问题愈演愈烈,为了应对这一问题,一批大型矿山的救援工作提上了政府工作议程。

    Along with the increasing consumption of mineral resources , resource depletion caused by the mining crisis intensified more and more serious , in order to address this problem , a number of large mines rescue work was put on the government agenda .

  17. 随着对矿产资源需求量的增加和机械化开采技术的发展,新城金矿开采强度和规模大幅增加,浅部资源陆续采完,矿山开采逐渐向深部发展。

    With the increasing demand for mineral resources and the development of mechanized mining technology , mining intensity in Xincheng Gold Deposit is gaining , the scale becomes much larger and the mineral deposit in shallow has been removed in succession while mining is gradually transfering to the deep .

  18. 基于区域发展的矿产资源最优耗竭量模型构建

    Modeling Reasonable Consumption of Mineral Resources based on Regional Development

  19. 随着经济的快速发展,对于固体矿产资源的需求量也在日益加大。

    With the rapid economic development , the demand for solid mineral resources is also growing .

  20. 江苏的经济发展较快,对矿产资源的需求量亦大。

    As the economy of Jiangsu Province develops fast , the demand for mineral resources is very big .

  21. 中国战略性矿产资源专项储备量的确定土地储备投资对房地产市场的效应分析&以北京市土地储备投资为例

    Determination of Reasonable Reserve Deal of Strategic Mineral Resources ; The Effect of Land Bank Investment on the Real Estate Market

  22. 随着老工业基地振兴战略的深入实施,对矿产资源的需求量将越来越大,矿产资源对经济建设的保证程度,资源、环境与经济如何协调发展,是摆在我们面前的一个新课题。

    With the implementation of strategy on revitalizing old industrial base in Northeastern China , the demand of mineral resources is steadily increasing .

  23. 近年来,社会经济的迅速发展,矿产资源的需求量增大,因此发现规模更大、质量更好的矿产资源是经济发展的要求。

    In recent years , social development is rapid , mineral resources demand is big , found more and deeper mineral resources is very necessary .

  24. 配矿是矿山有计划、有目的地将不同品质的矿石相互混合的多阶段工艺过程,是矿产资源质与量的相互协调与均衡。

    Ore matching is a multi-stage process of mixing ores with different qualities systematically and purposefully and a kind of coordination and balance on quality and quantity of mineral resources .

  25. 随着人口及经济的快速增长,人类对矿产资源的需求量也迅猛增长,矿产资源需求量的急剧增加与矿产资源不可再生之间的矛盾日益突出。

    With the rapid growth of population and economics , the human being 's demand of mineral resources also increased fast . There is an outstanding contradiction between the demand and supply of mineral resources .

  26. 近年来,我国危机矿山问题日益严重,矿产资源的需求量越来越大,迫切需要在矿山深边部进行隐伏矿体立体定量预测。

    In recent years , the problem of the crisis mines is getting more and more serious in our country , such as the increasing demand for mineral resources which makes the deep and side part of concealed orebodies stereo quantitative prediction necessary .

  27. 我国经济的高速发展对矿产资源的需求量越来越大,因此,运用各种手段促进矿产资源可持续发展尤为重要,税费政策的作用更是不可忽视。

    The amounts of mineral resources are bigger and bigger in our country economy high speed development . Therefore , using various means to promote the mineral resources sustainable development is particularly important , and the role of tax and fee policy is not to be ignored .

  28. 随着世界经济和科学技术的飞速发展,人类对矿产资源的需求量与日俱增,由于陆地资源的日趋枯竭,人们开始把目光转向海洋。

    Along with the fast development of economy and science in the world , the need of mineral resources is growing day by day . However , the land resources are becoming less and less . In this situation , people tend to mine the resources in the ocean .

  29. 我国随着工业化、城市化进程的加快,对能源、重要矿产等战略矿产资源的需求量大幅度增加,煤炭、钢铁、铜等矿产品成为世界上第一消费大国。

    Along with acceleration of industrialization and urbanization , requirement of energy , important mineral , etc. strategic mineral resources increases dramatically at a large extent , our country becomes the largest consumption country in the world in terms of coal , iron steel , copper , etc. mineral products .

  30. 本文在论述矿产资源有效配置的同时,对边际开采成本逐渐增长、矿产资源最优耗竭理论、矿产资源利用贴现率和为后代储存的矿产资源量等问题进行了讨论。

    This paper discussed efficient collocation for mineral resources . In the mean time , some important problems , such as marginal mining cost increasing , optimizing exhausting theory of mineral resources , discount rate for mineral resource exploitation , mineral resource storage for offspring , are discussed as well .