
  • 网络dewatering of deposit;deposit drainage
  1. 岩溶矿床疏干迟后性地面塌陷的防治

    Preventing of delayed surface collapse during dewatering of Karst Mineral Deposits

  2. 大水矿床疏干排水对区域水资源的影响研究

    Influence of Draining on Regional Water Resources at Heavy-water Deposit

  3. 地下井窿排水工程与露天矿床疏干

    De-watering engineering of the underground well-point and dewater of the open ore deposit

  4. 泗顶铅锌矿区岩溶充水矿床疏干动态预测

    Prediction of dewatering fluctuation of water filled karst pb & zn deposit in siding mining area

  5. 对于地下开采的有水矿山,矿床疏干需要排放和消耗大量的地下水资源。

    To those underground mines with underground water , a great deal underground water resource must be discharged and consumed in mine drainage .

  6. 辽宁省矿山生态环境的主要问题包括土地资源的占用与破坏,地面塌陷与地面沉降,采矿诱发滑坡、泥石流,环境污染,海水入侵,矿床疏干排水造成地下水下降等。

    The major problems of ecologic environment of mines in Liaoning province include land resources overused and destroyed , ground subsidence , landslide and mud-rock flow induced by mining , environmental pollution , marine transgression , groundwater drawdown caused by dewatering from deposits , etc.

  7. 贵州岩溶水充水矿井涌水量预测探讨浅谈热水矿床超前疏干

    Probe into Prediction on Outflow of Water in Karst Full Water Mine of Guizhou Province

  8. 浅谈热水矿床超前疏干用裂变径迹长度分布模拟地层剥蚀量和热史

    Strata erosion amount and geothermal history modeling by an analysis of apatite fission track length distribution

  9. 大水矿床的疏干排水与周围城镇的供水往往构成一对矛盾,如何解决排供矛盾是国民经济建设中急需解决的重要课题。

    More ofter there is a contradiction between the dredge drainage of watery ore deposit and the supply water to its surrounding towns .