
  • 网络ore losses
  1. 采场结构参数对矿石损失贫化的影响分析

    Analysis of stope 's structural parameters causing ore loss & depletion

  2. 由块段估计误差引起的矿石损失和贫化的量化估计方法

    Quantitative estimation of ore loss and dilution resulting from block estimation errors

  3. 矿石损失贫化的经济评价与分析

    Economic evaluation and analysis of ore loss I and dilution

  4. 浅谈矿山企业矿石损失与贫化指标的确定

    Calculation Method on Ore Dilution Rate and Loss Rate in Mining Enterprise

  5. 降低矿石损失贫化的综合技术措施研究

    Research of Comprehensive Technical Measures for Decrease in Ore Loss and Dilution

  6. 合理选择采矿方法降低矿石损失贫化

    Selecting the stoping Method Rationally to Reduce the Ore Loss and Dilution

  7. 金属矿山降低矿石损失和贫化提高回采率的探讨

    Discussion on Decrease of Loss and Impoverishment and Increase of Mining Recovery Rate

  8. 无底柱分段崩落法放矿过程中的矿石损失与贫化关系研究

    The relation between ore loss and dilution during drawing in sublevel caving mining

  9. 缓倾斜矿体开采中降低矿石损失的机械解决方法

    Machinery Solution to Cut Ore Loss in Exploitation of Gently Inclined Ore Body

  10. 房式采矿法开采倾斜、缓倾斜矿体降低矿石损失的有效途径

    Measures for cut ore loss in mining gently inclined body with room-and pillar caving

  11. 最后提出矿石损失贫化综合分析方法。

    Finally the comprehensive analysis method for the ore loss and dilution is proposed .

  12. 非均匀度与矿石损失贫化率关系的实验研究

    Study on the relationship between heterogeneous degree of loose body and the rate of ore dissipation and dilution

  13. 根据胡家峪铜矿的有底柱崩落法实践,探讨降低矿石损失和贫化率的有效途径。

    The measures for reduction of oes losing and degrading are described based on the sublevel caving practice in Hujiayu Copper Mine .

  14. 通过对程湖铁矿三个分段生产情况的调查,找出影响程潮铁矿矿石损失贫化指标的因素。

    This paper finds out the factors which affected the mine loss and dilution through investigation to the three subsection in Chengchao iron mine .

  15. 阐述了降低采矿中矿石损失与贫化的重要意义,并介绍了降低井下采矿损失与贫化的几项措施。

    The paper explicates the importance of reducing loss and dilution of ore in underground mining operation , and introduces some measures for reducing loss and dilution of ore in mining underground .

  16. 龙首矿矿区内断裂构造极其发育,断层纵横交错,因而在采矿作业中,存在着一定的矿石损失和贫化。

    In the mining area of Dragon Head Mine , the faulted structure is extremely well-developed with a crisscross of faults , thus resulting in a certain ore loss and dilution in mining operation .

  17. 本文所推荐的方法为矿石损失贫化的经济评价与分析以及矿山企业现行矿石损失贫化指标合理性的探讨提供了一种较为简便的方法。

    The method recommended in this paper is a simple one to economically evaluate and analyse the ore loss and dilution and discuss the reasonableness of current ore loss and dilution indicators for mine enterprises .

  18. 从国内外众多倾斜中厚矿体的开采效果来看,总体呈现矿石损失率高、贫化率高、事故率高、效率低的特征。

    According to the exploitation effect of many inclined medium thick ore bodies at home and abroad , the overall characteristics are high rate of ore loss and dilution , inefficient , and high accident rate .

  19. 论述了矿山企业矿石损失、贫化的含义及造成损失和贫化的原因,给出了不同情况下矿石损失与贫化指标的计算公式。

    The reasons causing ore dilution rate and loss rate in mining enterprise are expounded in this paper . And some calculation formulas are given for ore dilution rate and loss rate in accordance with specific conditions .

  20. 过去把期望放出体的形状往几何学上的截头椭球体上套,并按截头椭球体计算矿石损失和贫化,以致使所算出的数值包含较大的误差。

    In the past the configuration of expectant flow was applied indiscriminately to a truncated ellipsoid in geometry , and the ore loss and dilution were calculated according to such ellipsoid , resulting in considerable errors in values calculated .

  21. 给出了由块段估计误差引起的矿石损失和贫化的量化估计方法,开发编制了计算机程序,并以实例说明其具体应用。

    In this paper , quantitative estimation of ore loss and dilution resulting from block estimation errors was discussed , the computer program was developed , a example calculations using this computer program for a copper orebody was made .

  22. 金山店在改用1416的大间距参数后,其现采用的现行截止品位放矿在矿石损失与贫化方面尤为突出,继而导致采出品位,即入选品位降低,增加了选矿成本。

    After using the large spacing parameters of 14 × 16 , the current Existing Cut-off Grade Ore Drawing is especially prominent in ore loss and dilution , and then lead to the decline of recovery grade and the increasing of mineral separation .

  23. 在矿山开采中,矿石损失和贫化都是影响采矿方法效益的重要因素,因而降低矿石损失贫化对矿山来说是一项重要而迫切的工作。

    In mining , ore loss and dilution effect is an important factor of mining method benefit for the mining of technical and economic indexes which have significant influence on lower ore loss and dilution mining . It is an important and urgent work .

  24. 本文通过矿山生产地质工作中的生产地质和生产勘探工作,阐述加强地质研究,进行科学合理的生产块段划分、原矿配矿,减少矿石损失贫化,提高原矿质量,充分利用矿产资源。

    In view of the productive geology and the productive exploration , the thesis expatiates on enhancing geology study , differentiating scientifically and rationally working area , mixing the original mineral , reducing the mineral lose , improving the mineral quality and making full use of the mineral resources .

  25. 浅谈东乡铜矿影响矿石贫化损失的因素及改进措施

    The discussion about the factors that affect the ore dilution and loss of Dongxiang Copper Mine and its improvement

  26. 矿石的损失率与矿石的贫化率是矿山企业在生产管理中最重要的两项指标。

    The dilation rates and loss rates of mineral are two most important indexes in the management of mine enterprises .

  27. 这种采矿方法极大地提高了采场生产能力,降低了矿石贫化损失和采矿成本,对同类矿体的开采有明显的现实意义。

    This method greatly promotes stoping productivity , reduces dilution losses of ore , cuts mining cost , and is useful in mining thin dipping orebodies .

  28. 对贺兰山磷矿矿石贫化损失的原因进行了分析,并提出相应管理措施。

    Based on analysis of reason for causing loss and dilution of ore , the measures to reduce loss and dilution of ore are put forward .

  29. 露天转地下开采,回填废石层在放矿过程中对矿石的损失和贫化有一定的影响。

    When open-air is transferred to underground mining , the backfilling of waste rock layer has a certain impact on ore loss and dilution in the ore drawing process .

  30. 研究表明,分段崩落法在该矿应用时存在采切比大、放矿时下盘矿石残留损失大、顶底柱无法回采等一系列问题。

    Researches showed that there are many problems in the sublevel caving process , such as large rate of mining-cut ratio , huge ore-drawing loss , and unrecovered roof and bottom pillar etc.