
  • working section recovery
  1. 对合理设计采区回采率的探讨

    Probing into Reasonable Design of Working Section Recovery

  2. 在采区设计中,对采区回采率的确定正确与否,不仅直接影响到开采的安全性和经济技术指标,而且也关系到对煤炭资源的合理开发利用。

    In design of mine working sections , the correct determination of working section recovery not only has direct influence upon the mining safety and economic and techni-cal indexes , but also is related to the reasonable exploitation and utilization of coal resource .

  3. 提高厚煤层采区回采率的途径

    The Approach for Increasing Recovery Rate of A Mining Section in Thick Seam

  4. 造成矿区处于这个阶段的原因主要在于生产水平相对落后(尤其体现在一些中、小煤矿上)、综合开发能力不强、环保投入不够、采区回采率水平低、水资源匮乏等多个方面因素。

    The main factors are relatively lagged production , the weak overall development , little environment investment , the low extraction percentage , shortage of water resource , ect .

  5. 急斜特厚煤层的开采在中小型煤矿一直沿用大放高非机械化开采方式,造成采区回采率低下,煤损严重。

    High top-coal non-mechanized mining method was always adopted in the exploitation of steep dip thick coal seam in small to middle coal mine , which induced low proportion of extraction in section and coal loss was serious .

  6. 提高老采区资源回采率的若干途径

    Ways to increase the resource recovery of old mining area