
cǎi zhāi
  • pick;pluck;gather;collect
采摘 [cǎi zhāi]
  • [collect;gather;pick] 采收摘捡

  • 采摘草莓

采摘[cǎi zhāi]
  1. 肚子饿了你就从树上采摘一个梨吃吧。

    When you get hungry , just pluck a pear off the tree and eat it .

  2. 轻轻地在花园中行走,小心地采摘玫瑰。

    Tread softly in the garden and pluck that rose with care ;

  3. 这些巴西果采摘者所卖的钱仅为纽约批发价格的2%到3%。

    The brazil nut gatherers were paid only 2 to 3 percent of the New York wholesale price .

  4. 有时,他会跑到杂草丛生的花园里去采摘悬白子。

    Now and then he picked raspberries in the overgrown garden .

  5. 在第一次霜冻以前要设法把水果采摘完。

    Try to harvest the fruit before the first frost .

  6. 秋天,总是有水果可以采摘。

    In antumn , there 's always fruit picking .

  7. 农民们在它们长绿的时候采摘它们。

    Farmers pick them when they 're green .

  8. 比如,番茄就会被提前采摘并存储,以备之后的长途旅行。

    Tomatoes , for example , are picked early and stored for their long journeys .

  9. 茶叶待采摘时是茶农一年中最忙的时候。

    When the tea leaves are ready to be picked , it is the busiest time for tea farmers in a year .

  10. 一些人喜欢在辣椒长成绿色的时候就采摘

    Some people like to harvest the plants , when the chilies are green .

  11. 黑莓熟了,可祖克曼太太却忘了把它们采摘,做成果酱。

    The blackberries got ripe , and Mrs. Zuckerman failed to put up any blackberry jam .

  12. 星期一,鸵鸟为他心爱的人采摘了紫罗兰作为礼物,可是他过于羞怯,没敢送给她。

    On Monday the ostrich gathered violets , as a gift to his beloved . He was too shy to give them to her .

  13. 基于ARM的采摘机器人关节运动控制研究

    Study on Motion Control of Picking Robot Joint Based on ARM

  14. 不同时间采摘的喜树嫩叶中喜树碱含量的HPLC分析

    Analysis on the Contents of Camptothecin in Young Camptotheca acuminate Leaves Picked in Different Dates by HPLC

  15. 要摄入最低量的1300毫克维生素C,相当于我们每天要吃16个中等大小成熟采摘的新鲜苹果或8-10个同样条件的柑橘。

    To get the minimum vitamin C intake of1300 mg , everyday we must eat16 medium sized fresh tree ripe apples or8-10 citrus of same conditions .

  16. 因此通过选育硒富集力强的良种茶树、合理配施硒肥、调节土壤pH值及养分状况以及适时采摘茶叶等措施,可以实现富硒绿茶生产。

    Production of green tea with high Se could , therefore , be achieved through breeding Se-accumulating cultivars , rationalizing Se fertilizer application , regulating soil pH , and timing of harvesting .

  17. 用差示扫描量热法(DSC)和热重法(TG/DTG)对同期采摘的不同原产地的茶叶进行了热分析研究。

    The thermal properties of different places of origin tea were studied by DSC method and TG method , which picked at the same period .

  18. 研究设计一种基于气动柔性驱动器FPA的末端执行器,用于柑橘采摘,建立其实现采摘和抓持过程的数学模型。

    Devised an end-effector based on flexible pneumatic actuator FPA , being used for robotic harvesting , and then established the its mathematical model .

  19. 置身此地,在工作人员采摘莫扎克(Mauzac)和霞多丽(Chardonnay)葡萄的时节,这里的葡萄藤蔓就会变成无边无际的橙色和金色。

    Here , as workers harvest Mauzac and Chardonnay grapes , the vine leaves transform into endless fields of orange and gold .

  20. 例如,如果您正在执行过程中的质量控制包装和拖延是广泛纠正采摘的错误,您可能会移动的QA进程进入采摘区。

    For example , if you are performing the QA process at packing and delays are extensive correcting picking errors , you might move the QA process into the picking area .

  21. 绿茶鲜汁的加工工艺为:采摘嫩度为一芽三叶的鲜叶,摊放6h后,蒸汽杀青90s,杀青标准为鲜叶嫩茎不能折断。

    The technical flow is : plucking the fresh green tea with one bud and three leaves , tedding six hours , fixing the enzyme by steam until the stem cannot be broken off .

  22. 连翘花的加工流程为:采摘→常温烘干→直接粉碎→精确称取→超声30min→提取液;

    The processing flow of F. suspense 's flowers is : pick > drying at normal temperature - ? crush > measure accurately ^ ultrasonic for 30min > distilled liquid ;

  23. 成熟早期采摘的梨果可在常温下贮藏7~10d;中熟时采摘的梨果常温下可贮藏5&6d;

    The fruit harvested at early mature period could stored at normal temperature for 7 - 10 days , at middle period for 5 ~ 6 days , but matured fruit was not suitable for storage .

  24. 例如,尽管喀拉拉的JosephAppachan和克什米尔的MushtaqAhmadDar开发了几种爬树脚扣,但印度食用的几乎所有椰子都是手工采摘的。

    For example , despite innovators such as Joseph Appachan in Kerala or Mushtaq Ahmad Dar in Kashmir developing several tree climbers , almost every coconut eaten in India has been manually harvested .

  25. 为了改变这种情况,Teabox在大吉岭和阿萨姆邦设立了采购中心,距离采摘和加工的茶园只有数小时路程。

    To change that , Teabox set up sourcing centers in Darjeeling and Assam , within a few hours from the gardens where the leaves are plucked and processed .

  26. 嗯Eyad的巴勒斯坦,45,倒从一个桶,她在整理之前,对约旦河西岸的拉马拉市郊区的2010年9月27日收获的叶子,采摘橄榄。

    Palestinian Umm Eyad , 45 , pours olives from a bucket she picked before sorting out the leaves , during the harvest on the outskirts of the West Bank city of Ramallah on Sept.27,2010 .

  27. 基于ADMAS对采摘部件进行动力学仿真,得出凸轮转速与采摘力大小的关系,通过调整凸轮的转动频率使得对蓝莓果实的采摘达到理想的最佳的效果。

    A dynamic simulation based on ADMAS picking parts , it is concluded that the CAM rotation speed and picking force , by adjusting the CAM rotation frequency makes the blueberry fruit picking the best ideal effect .

  28. 该方法的计算时间小于0.35s,虽然比基于特征匹配的立体视觉检测方法所用的时间长,但可以获得更多的表面点,为不同的末端执行件确定采摘点带来了方便。

    The time was used in computation of this algorithm was less than 0.35s , though the time used by area-based method is longer than that of feature-based method , this algorithm can get more points for conveniently choosing picking points .

  29. 不同采摘期及处理方法对五倍子鞣质含量的影响

    Different picking period and treatment effect on the contains of gallotannin

  30. 采摘时间对中长绒棉纤维品质的影响

    Studies on the Time of Picking for Long - Staple Cotton