
chá pǐn
  • tea products
  1. 选购茶品批量小的黑茶品。

    Purchase dark tea products with limited quantities .

  2. 近几年出产的黑茶茶品,尤其是采用高档原料精工制作的黑茶品,同样具有极高的收藏价值。

    The dark tea products manufactured in recent years particularly the products refined from high-grade raw materials , also has a very high collection value .

  3. 这种茶品第颇高。

    This tea is of high grade .

  4. 这种茶品级很高。

    This is a high-grade tea .

  5. 黑茶是中国特有的传统茶品。

    Black tea is one of traditional and unique tea products made in China .

  6. 茶品批量越小,求购的人就越多,升值的空间越大。

    If the quantity of the product is small the appreciation space will be greater .

  7. 茶道即人道,茶品与人品总是紧密地联系在一起。

    The sado is the humanity and tea is always closely related to the moral behavior .

  8. 且每批次数量极为有限,这类茶品升值潜力大,速度快。

    The number of each type is limited , which symbolizes the great potential for appreciation .

  9. 从黑茶原料革新的角度来说,这是划时代的黑茶茶品。

    From the perspective of the innovative raw materials , these are the products with collection value .

  10. 中国第一饼(红印)野生乔木种的最佳茶品就是中国第一饼。

    The first cake ( redness ) of wild species in the best tea is the first cake .

  11. 质量检验:普洱茶品的质量标准化问题一直是困扰普洱茶普及的一个重要因素。

    Quality inspection : the standardization of quality of pu-erh tea has been an important factor troubling the popularization of the tea .

  12. 人品乃人寄身于世间的根本,茶品则是茶为世人珍惜的特殊品质。

    Particular personality is the quality of being a person , and the art of tea has been the special quality adored by human beings .

  13. 尽管伯爵茶被认为是一种特殊种类的茶品,今天,任何添加了佛手柑油的红茶都可以通称为伯爵茶。

    They find that the tang of citrus that comes from the oil of bergamot makes Earl Grey tea particularly suited to being served with lemon .

  14. 增值收藏首先要考虑的是茶品的历史意义,只有富于历史意义的茶品,增值的空间才会大。

    The first thing to consider is the historical significance of teas , because only the teas rich in historical significance will have a brighter future of appreciation .

  15. 历代笔记小说作为非主流的文化载体,其中所记载的茶产地、茶品、茶艺、茶道等比之诗文审美化的描写,更具研究传统茶文化的价值,应予以重视。

    It should be taken seriously because the note novels of history as a non-mainstream of culture carrier are more valuable than traditional research on tea , which reco .

  16. 大叶种栽培野生茶特色:香扬水柔,在香甜茶系列中最具特色茶品;

    The characteristics of cultivation of wild big tea leaf : strong aroma , light and clean tea liquor , the most unique one in the fragrant sweet series of tea goods ;

  17. 普洱茶存放方式多种多样,实际上只需将茶品置放在干净通风处即可,人可住茶就可以放。

    Puer Tea is lf various methods in depositing , in fact it only needs to de stored in a clean and ventilating place then , where person can live to be allowed to deposit Puer Tea .