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chá yè ɡuàn
  • tea caddy;tea canister
  1. 我朋友从日本带给我一只装饰精美的茶叶罐。

    A friend brought me a beautifully decorated tea caddy from japan .

  2. 茶叶罐,瓷或白坯瓷制

    Tea caddy of porcelain or china

  3. 她不小心把架子上的茶叶罐碰了下来。

    She accidentally knocked the tea tin off the shelf

  4. 我祖母有个很好看的茶叶罐。

    My grandmother have a lovely can for storing tea .

  5. 她的手还够不到放茶叶罐的地方。

    The canisters were almost out of her reach .

  6. 茶叶罐;

    Tea can ; Pencil can ; Gift can ;

  7. 她简直够不到茶叶罐。

    The canisters were almost out of her reach ;

  8. 他笑着,从不同的茶叶罐里倒出一些茶叶,请我们品茶。

    He laughed , cupped samples from various tins and invited us to smell the tea .

  9. 办公室里有个手推车,上面满是咖啡罐、茶叶罐,还有一个电水壶,他工作到很晚时会用到这些。

    There 's a trolley filled with containers of coffee and tea and an electric kettle that he uses when working late .

  10. 你本来就不该出来。她说,站起来去拿壁炉台上的两个彩色茶叶罐。

    ` You should not have come out , ' she said , rising and reaching from the chimney-piece two of the painted canisters .

  11. 壁炉台上有杂七杂八的老式难看的枪,还有一对马枪;并且,为了装饰起见,还有三个画得俗气的茶叶罐靠边排列着。

    Above the chimney were sundry villainous ; old guns , and a couple of horse-pistols : and , by way of ornament , three gaudily painted canisters disposed along its ledge .