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  • gold award
金奖[jīn jiǎng]
  1. 旗舰智能机Axon天机在2015年柏林国际消费电子展获“用户体验金奖”,国际消费电子展是全球最大的消费类电子产品博览会。

    The flagship AXON won the " User Experience Gold Award " at the IFA 2015 , known as one of the world 's largest consumer electronics fair held annually in Berlin .

  2. 《秋季风景系列之十二》获得金奖,中国油画年展。

    Gold Award at the Annual Exhibition of Chinese Oil Painting .

  3. 从1979年以来国家为优秀工艺品颁发了金奖和银奖。

    Since 1979 , the state has given gold and silver awards for the best industrial artifacts .

  4. 这款LED灯泡获得了今年日本优良设计奖的金奖。

    The LED bulb obtained this year Japanese good design award gold medal .

  5. 1979年,也就是国家美术馆落成后的第二年,贝聿铭获得了美国建筑师协会(AmericanInstituteofArchitects)金奖,这是该协会的最高荣誉。

    In 1979 , the year after the National Gallery was completed , Pei received the Gold Medal of the American Institute of Architects , its highest honor .

  6. 埃罗沙利宁1952年被推选为美国建筑师协会会员,他是AIA金奖的获得者之一。

    Eero Saarinen was elected a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects in1952.He is also a winner of the AIA Gold Medal .

  7. 戴尔宣称这款产品采用了无卤素材料制作,因此对环境造成的污染极低,显示器同时还满足能源之星标准和绿电金奖(EPEATGold)的要求。

    The company claims to have utilized halogen-reduced materials to minimize environmental impact , while the monitor also meets EPEAT Gold and Energy Star standards .

  8. 以获取威海市190km21∶500数字地图的数图编辑为例(已获2000年国家金奖),详细介绍了应用航测法获取城市GIS基础地理信息的数图编辑技术及特点。

    This paper introduces in digital map compiling technique and characteristics using aerophotogrammetry to obtain urban GIS basic geographic information in my institute , as the result of obtaining urban basic infomation of Weihai city about 190 km 2 1 ∶ 500 digital map .

  9. CCTV-5,艾菲金奖是如何炼成的?

    How Did CCTV - 5 Earn The EFFIE Awards ?

  10. 2011年,贺兰晴雪在英国葡萄酒杂志《醇鉴》(Decanter)主办的国际大赛上获金奖,这成了重要的转折点。

    A major turning point came in 2011 when Helan Qingxue won a gold medal in a prestigious international competition by the British wine publication Decanter .

  11. 卢淑婷同学(2C)获颁最杰出青少年及儿童舞蹈艺术家荣誉金奖及连续三年获艺术家奖;

    Congratulations to Lo Shuk Ting ( 2C ) for being awarded the Gold Medal ( Hon . ) in the HK Most Outstanding Young Dancer & Artist Award for3 consecutive years ;

  12. 在电影《蒂凡尼的早餐》中,奥黛丽·赫本饰演的角色有一只没有名字的可怜小笨猫,凭借这一角色Orangey获得了“动物奥斯卡金奖”,以“小肉饼”一名熟为人知。

    His most notable role is probably Audrey Hepburn 's " poor slob without a name " cat in Breakfast at Tiffany 's , a role that earned him the prestigious " animal Academy Award " known as a PATTY .

  13. 展览会评出了29家优质铸件金奖单位。

    29 good quality casting gold decoration units have been evaluated .

  14. 其产品亦连续获得省市金奖、银奖。

    Products were awarded provincial or city-level silver or gold metals .

  15. 这种新产品在展览会上获得了金奖。

    The new product took the first prize in the show .

  16. 2002中国之星包装类金奖作品选

    2002 " Stars of China " - Selected Works with Golden Prize

  17. 他在这四年内已经赢了两个奥林匹克金奖。

    He has won2 Olympic gold medals in four years .

  18. 他以出色的演讲赢得了一项金奖。

    He was honoured with a golden medal for his excellent speech .

  19. 所以你才发出那些金奖卷

    That 's why you sent out the golden tickets .

  20. 国酒茅台获巴拿马金奖始末

    History of Maotai liquor winning the golden medal of Panama

  21. 在世界园艺博览会上获金奖。

    Jingyan peach honored with a gold medal in International Gardening Show .

  22. 他在英语竞赛中获得了金奖。

    He won a gold medal in the English contest .

  23. 2006英国电视广告金奖作品评析

    Comments on 2006 Gold Awarded Works of British TV Ad

  24. 去问问那得奥林匹克金奖的人。

    Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympic .

  25. 该工程获上海市市政金奖。

    The project has won Shanghai Municipal Golden Prize .

  26. 1998年,他被授予的精算师学会金奖。

    In1998 he was awarded the Gold Medal of the Institute of Actuaries .

  27. 他在数学方面获得了爱德华六世金奖。

    He was also awarded a King Edward VI gold medal for mathematics .

  28. 你知不知道有个俄国小孩找到最后一张金奖券了?

    Did you see that some kid in Russia found the last golden ticket ?

  29. 金奖得奖项目为中华电力有限公司的「中华电力的安全推广」。

    The Gold Award entry was'Safety Promotion in CLP Power'from CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd.

  30. 她获金奖的消息告知了她母亲。

    The news that she won the gold medal was told to her mother .