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jīn huáng
  • golden;golden yellow
金黄 [jīn huáng]
  • [golden] 黄而微红略像金子的颜色

  • 金黄色头发

金黄[jīn huáng]
  1. 以银氨溶液和葡萄糖制备的银镜为吸附基底,获得了酸性金黄G偶氮染料在银镜上的表面增强拉曼光谱,并对其拉曼峰的归属及吸附机理进行了探讨。

    The SERS spectra of acid golden yellow G on silver mirrors prepared with ammoniacal silver solution and glucose were studied .

  2. 分散金黄SE-3R代替分散黄RGFL对PBT丝的染色试验

    Dyeing Experiment of PBT with Disperse Golden Yellow SE - 3R in Substitution for Disperse Yellow RGFL

  3. 这葡萄酒味道清醇,色泽金黄。

    The wine has a clean taste and a lovely golden colour .

  4. 把油酥糕点烤至金黄酥脆。

    Bake until the pastry is golden and crisp .

  5. 他40出头儿,高高的个子,金黄头发,一双天蓝色眼睛。

    He was in his early forties , tall and blond with bright blue eyes

  6. 一大片金黄的稻子等着收割。

    A vast golden stretch of rice was waiting to be cut .

  7. 稻穗金黄。

    The ears of paddy are ripe and golden .

  8. 金黄的小麦在微风中荡漾。

    The golden wheat rippled in the breeze .

  9. 她的名字叫泰坦尼亚,她长着一头金黄的长发。

    Her name is Titania . She 's golden2 hair .

  10. 金黄地鼠颊囊癌形成中DNA含量的动态研究

    The Dynamic Study of DNA Content in Golden Hamster Buccal Pouch Carcinoma

  11. 金黄地鼠视觉中枢发育过程中P物质神经元数量及分布的变化

    The number and distribution of the substance P containing neurons in developing visual centres of the hamster

  12. 金黄地鼠实验性肺气肿肺泡Ⅱ型上皮表面活性物质蛋白A和B的变化

    Changes of surfactant A and B in alveolar type ⅱ cells in hamster with elastase induced emphysema

  13. PCR技术检测金黄葡萄球菌肠毒素A基因

    Study on Detection of Staphylococcus aureus Enterotoxin A Gene by PCR

  14. PrP~c重组蛋白脑内接种金黄地鼠对mRNA表达的影响

    Influence of recombinant bovine PrP ~ c protein on hamster mRNA expression by injection in brain

  15. 纳米TiO2光催化降解阳离子金黄溶液

    Photocatalytic Degradation of Positive Ion Golden Yellow on Nanocrystalline TiO_2

  16. 方法:采用锥板式粘度计测定sd大鼠、金黄地鼠分别于不同温度及不同切变率下的血液粘度。

    Methods f Blood viscosities of SD rat and hamster were tested in different temperatures and shear rates .

  17. 针刺对自由运行状态金黄地鼠视交叉上核内5-HT7受体功能的影响

    Regulating Effects on Electro-acupuncture on 5-HT Receptors in Suprachiasmatic Nucleus of Free-running Hamsters

  18. SPF级金黄地鼠的主要生物学特性

    Characterization of Main Biological Features of SPF Syrian Golden Hamsters

  19. TiO2/凹凸棒石对活性金黄BES的吸附动力学

    Adsorption kinetics of golden-yellow BES onto titania coated palygorskite

  20. 金黄地鼠PrP基因组织特异性表达的研究

    The Study on Prion Gene Tissue-specific Expression of Golden Hamster

  21. GABA及荷包牡丹碱对金黄地鼠上丘视觉神经元反应性质的影响

    Effects of GABA and bicuculline on the properties of visual superior colliculus neurons in golden hamsters

  22. 用不同水平的PMSG、HCG对金黄仓鼠进行超数排卵。

    Superovulation treatments with different level PMSG and HCG on golden hamster were experimented .

  23. 金黄地鼠视皮层胼胝体神经元和神经肽Y(NPY)免疫阳性神经元为两类不同的神经元群

    Callosal and NPY-containing neurons are two different populations of visual cotical neurons in the golden hamster

  24. 厌氧环境下培养痤疮丙酸杆菌并接种于II、III、Ⅳ组金黄地鼠皮脂腺斑,诱导炎症反应产生,1周后进行光动力治疗。

    Propionibacterium acnes were cultured and inoculated into II , III , IV golden hamster sebaceous patches to induce inflammatory reaction , 1 week after photodynamic therapy .

  25. 进一步分析叙利亚金黄地鼠胰岛细胞局部RAS系统中AngⅡ生成的途径并初步探讨其形成的机制。

    Analyse the Ang II generation pathway in islets ' local RAS system of Syrian golden hamster and explore its formation mechanism .

  26. 149份提取物对金黄葡萄球菌(Staphylococcusaureus)具有抑制作用,其中有20份提取物显示了较强烈的抑制作用。

    We also found that 149 extract samples have antibacterial activities to Staphylococcus aureus , and 20 of these showed impressive inhibition effect .

  27. PrP基因在金黄地鼠淋巴和外周组织中表达水平的动态检测

    Dynamic detection of expression level of prion gene in lymphatic tissue and peripheral organs of Mesocricetus auratus

  28. 金黄地鼠于妊娠1~3天,sc月橘烯碱4mg/kg·d却无此作用。

    D on day 1 / 3 of gestation resulted in 100 % anti-implantation effect . However , yuehchukene at 4 mg / kg .

  29. 结论SPF金黄仓鼠原代肾细胞作为乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗的生物原材料安全可靠。

    Conclusion As a raw materials of biologics , the primary kidney cells of SPF golden hamsters were safe and reliable .

  30. 结论通过剖宫产手术,成功建立起SPF金黄仓鼠种群,并在屏障系统进行了大规模生产。

    Conclusion The SPF golden hamsters breeding colony is established successfully by cesarean operation and have been mass-produced in the barrier .