
  • 网络financial infrastructure
  1. 北卡罗来纳州共和党众议员罗伯特·皮滕格(RobertPittenger)在接受电话采访时表示,在众议院征集签名的过程很容易,议员们都担心这笔交易会赋予中国直接进入美国金融基础设施的途径。

    Representative Robert Pittenger , Republican of North Carolina , said in a telephone interview that it had been easy to gather signatures on the letter in the House , with members worried that the deal would give China direct access to America 's financial infrastructure .

  2. 此外,中国需要推动国内资本市场和金融基础设施的发展。

    China also needs to develop its capital markets and financial infrastructure .

  3. 各银行及金融基础设施供应商均积极叁与计划的演习。

    These plans were well rehearsed , involving banks and other financial infrastructure providers .

  4. 第一,如果公共金融基础设施不完善,那么银行审慎监管的效率会降低。

    First , a well-developed public financial infrastructure is vital to improve the banking supervision .

  5. 第五章主要研究了加强我国普惠金融基础设施建设的政策与建议。

    The last part mainly studied the policies and proposals of strengthen our inclusive financial infrastructure construction .

  6. 第四章探讨了普惠金融基础设施建设的经验借鉴和启示。

    The experience and enlightenment of inclusive financial infrastructure construction was the content of the fourth part .

  7. 也许把金融基础设施比作实体基建,比较容易明白。

    Perhaps here the analogy between the financial infrastructure and the physical infrastructure is more readily understood .

  8. 第二章研究了普惠金融基础设施建设及对普惠金融发展的影响。

    The second part has studied the construction of inclusive financial infrastructure and influenced the development of inclusive finance .

  9. 要求坚持高质量的审计准则是加强金融基础设施和增进市场信心的另一种方法。

    Adhering to high-quality auditing standards is another way to strengthen your financial architecture and confidence in your capital markets .

  10. 俄罗斯官员强烈批评了全球金融基础设施,表示美元主导地位可能给外汇市场带来不稳定。

    Russian officials strongly criticised the global financial infrastructure , saying the dominance of the US dollar risked instability in currency markets .

  11. 第二,以政策导向为契机,推动农村金融基础设施建设,建立健全农村金融服务体系是农村金融深化的必要条件;

    First , policy oriented financial deepening is the initial condition for rural households'income growing . Second , financial infrastructure is required .

  12. 因为其金融基础设施不太稳固,中央银行并不能完全禁绝外汇交易。

    Because its financial infrastructure is a little shaky , the central bank is not completely able to sterilise its foreign-currency transactions .

  13. 人民币离岸金融基础设施建设主要包括市场交易体系、支付结算体系和支持保障体系的建设。

    The offshore infrastructure construction includes the market trading system , the payment and settlement systems , the support and the security system .

  14. 尽管近几年新兴市场经济蓬勃发展,但它们的金融基础设施和资本市场仍普遍落后得多。

    While the economies of emerging markets have boomed in recent years , their financial infrastructure and capital markets have generally lagged well behind .

  15. 作为一种重要的金融基础设施,征信日益引起我国政府的高度重视,并在实践上迅速推进。

    As an important financial infrastructure , our government to give credit information sharing to more and more attention , and rapidly advancing in practice .

  16. 在这一过程中,政府采取完善金融基础设施的政策要比直接针对金融结构的政策有效得多。

    For this purpose , policies aiming at improving the financial infrastructure prove more effective than those operate directly on the financial structure per se .

  17. 中国需要市场化的货币政策(包括灵活的汇率机制),而提高金融基础设施的现代化程度,也是实现这一目标的必要条件。

    A more developed financial infrastructure is also a prerequisite for the market-based monetary policy , including a flexible exchange rate regime , that China needs .

  18. 其成功的经验在于加快完善金融基础设施建设、积极与世界各国签署自由贸易协定及采取各种优惠政策等。

    Its successful experience consist in : perfect quickly financial foundation facilities , sign the free trade pact with international community positive and adopt the every kind of special policy etc.

  19. 这个奖项亦肯定了任志刚在发展香港债务市场和金融基础设施,以及成立香港按揭证券有限公司上所作出的贡献。

    The award also noted his contribution to the development of the debt market and financial infrastructure in Hong kong , and the establishment of the Hong Kong Mortgage corporation .

  20. 而香港的国际联系、金融基础设施、企业管理和支援服务均有过人之处。

    While the Mainland has much to offer in terms of market and resources , Hong Kong 's international connections , financial infrastructure , entrepreneurial skills and services are exceptional .

  21. 农村金融基础设施建设问题是农村经济发展的支撑,农村信用体系建设是农村金融发展所必需的组成部分。

    The issue of the rural financial infrastructure construction is the support of development of rural economy , the rural credit system construction is a necessary component of rural financial development .

  22. 伊朗的银行被踢出全球金融基础设施的关键领域之后,该国的精神领袖派出谈判代表坐上了核谈判桌,但伊朗迄今仍未接受任何协议。

    Since Iranian banks were excluded from critical areas of the global financial infrastructure the ayatollahs have despatched negotiators to the nuclear bargaining table & but Iran has not accepted a deal .

  23. 对大量的发展中国家而言,财政的主导地位及金融基础设施不良严重妨碍着独立货币政策的实行范围,因此目前尚不具备采用通货膨胀目标制货币政策的条件;

    The domination of budget policy and weak financial infrastructure seriously limit the scope where the independent monetary policy could be put in use , thus making it immature to introduce inflation targeting policy in developing countries .

  24. 因此,应加快农村地区金融基础设施建设,扩大公用电话、手机和网络等的覆盖率,并帮助农村居民获取有效的信息技术知识。

    Therefore , we should speed up the construction of the financial infrastructure in rural areas , and expand coverage of public telephone , mobile phone and network , help rural residents access to effective knowledge of information technology .

  25. 本文讨论金融基础设施在金融发展和经济发展过程中的作用,并通过一个动态均衡模型,证明了金融基础设施的创新对于促进资本积累、技术进步以及金融结构变迁所起的关键性作用。

    This paper discusses the function of financial infrastructure in the process of financial development and economic growth , argues that innovations in financial infrastructure play a crucial role in capital accumulation , technical advance , as well as evolution of financial structure by a dynamic equilibrium model .

  26. 中国和罗马尼亚签署了涉及能源、金融和基础设施建设等领域的合作文件。

    China and Romania have signed four cooperation deals covering energy , finance and infrastructure construction .

  27. 通过这样做,我们将采取我们在经济,贸易,投资,金融,基础设施等领域的合作提高到一个新的高度。

    By so doing , we will take our cooperation in economy , trade , investment , finance , infrastructure and other areas to a new high .

  28. 第五,应加强金融市场基础设施,降低蔓延风险,确保它们自身不会变成系统性风险的源头。

    Fifth , financial market infrastructures should be strengthened to reduce contagion risks and to ensure that they do not themselves become a source of systemic risk .

  29. 本文开篇介绍了评级机构监管的相关理论,评级机构作为金融市场基础设施的一部分,评级市场也存在一定的市场失灵问题,需要政府对评级机构进行监管。

    Credit rating agencies as part of the financial market infrastructure , there are also some market failure problem . Therefore , credit rating market also needs government regulation .

  30. 两国高层往来密切,政治互信不断深化。两国能源、金融、基础设施建设、农业、高技术等领域务实合作成效显著。

    The two countries enjoy close high-level exchanges and ever-deepening political mutual trust . Our practical cooperation in energy , finance , infrastructure development , agriculture and hi-tech has been productive .