
  • 网络Money Politics
  1. 然而,在日益效仿日本式金钱政治的美国,提高公司税似乎不太可能。

    Yet an increase in corporation tax seems implausible in a us that increasingly emulates Japanese money politics .

  2. 日本所有头脑正常的人都表示,他们反对据称由小泽一郎代表的金钱政治。

    All right-thinking people in Japan say they are against the money politics Mr Ozawa is said to represent .

  3. 金钱在政治中的角色令人不安。

    The role of money in politics is disturbing .

  4. 对于担心金钱荼毒政治的人士而言,印度也是一个重点国家。

    India is also an important country for anyone worried about the detrimental role of money in politics .

  5. 这使它成为金钱和政治权力的良好材料&最近还用于电子方面。

    It makes a good material for money , political power & and , more recently , electrical power .

  6. 美国选举的法官在本周收到关于金钱,政治和法律的警告。

    Elected judges in the United States got a warning this week about money , politics and the law .

  7. 可以做为金钱和政治权力的良好材料,近来还用在电气上。

    It makes a good material for money , political power -- and , more recently , electrical power .

  8. 在民众对体制缺乏信任的时候,我们应该减少金钱对政治的影响、

    When trust in our institutions is low , we should reduce the corrosive influence of money in our politics ,

  9. 父亲说巴基斯坦受到了诅咒,有这么多只爱金钱的政治客。

    My father says that Pakistan has been cursed with more than its fair share of politicians who only think about money .

  10. 而一组角度可以让生物多样性切题&例如,它如何与卫生、金钱、政治等等问题联系在一起。

    And a number of angles can make biodiversity relevant & for example how it links with health , money , politics and more .

  11. 在民众对体制缺乏信任的时候,我们应该减少金钱对政治的影响、坚持公务透明和基本的道德原则;

    When trust in our institutions is low , we should reduce the corrosive influence of money in our politics , and insist on the principles of transparency and ethics in public service .

  12. 这种质地细软的金属闪耀着黄色的光芒,能够抵抗大部分化学反应,是用作金钱和政治权利的良好材料——最近,还用作电子设备。

    The soft , dense metal es to a bright yellow shine and s most chemical reactions . It makes a good material for money , political power -- and , more recently , electrical power .

  13. 好消息是,在这方面我们还可以做很多事情,这包括减少金钱对政治的影响,改变国会选区的划定,直接改变对待彼此的方式。

    The good news is there 's also a lot we can do about this , from reducing the influence of money in our politics , to changing the way we draw congressional districts , to simply changing the way we treat each other .

  14. 金钱本身的政治影响力是有限的。

    Money as such will have only limited political influence .

  15. 他的其他罪名没有这么严重,但是通过金钱来交换政治这种方式已经在这个地区盛行了150年了。

    Other convictions may have been less spectacular , but the pattern of pay-offs for political favours has prevailed in these parts for 150 years .

  16. 在四年前阿拉伯一系列起义开始后,沙特用金钱来解决社会政治问题的做法尤其明显起来。

    The practice of hosing socio-political problems with money has been especially visible since the chain of Arab uprisings began four years ago .

  17. 他们欲望不断,追逐着金钱和权力。金钱本身的政治影响力是有限的。

    Every action becomes a tale of grabbing more power and more money . Money as such will have only limited political influence .