
  • 网络South Ledge;South Cay
  1. 白礁岛、中岩礁和南礁案的国际法解读

    An Interpretation on the Case of Pedra Branca , Middle Rocks and South Ledge : from the Perspective of International Law

  2. 与此同时,在斯普拉特利群岛另一个填海造出的岛屿约翰逊南礁(JohnsonSouth,中国称赤瓜礁)上,在已有的设施之外又建成了一个港口,还有多达六个安防监控塔在建设当中。

    Meanwhile , a port has been added to facilities at Johnson South Reef , another reclaimed island in the Spratlys , with up to six security and surveillance towers under construction .

  3. 过去18个月里,中国已将包括永暑礁和约翰逊南礁在内的六七个暗礁和珊瑚环礁吹填成岛。今年4月,美国太平洋舰队司令哈里•哈里斯(HarryHarris)曾将此比作“一道沙制的长城”。

    Fiery Cross and Johnson South are among just over half a dozen submerged rocks and coral atolls that China has dredged into islands in the past 18 months , an effort Harry Harris , commander of the US Pacific Fleet , likened in April to " a great wall of sand . "

  4. 他们就住在北礁的庙里,打鱼种菜度日,南礁的小庙当仓库。

    They live in the north reef of the temple , fishing , growing vegetables to get by , the small temple in Southern reef a warehouse .

  5. 南图瓦卢礁群区重力资料的初步分析

    Preliminary analysis of gravity data on the South Tuvalu reef group area

  6. 产于从百慕大群岛和佛罗里达到南美洲的礁滩。

    On reefs from Bermuda and Florida to northern South America .

  7. 首次发现轮南地区奥陶纪生物礁。

    Ordovician organic reefs were first discovered in the Lunnan area , northern Tarim .

  8. 但是由于受人口增加和经济发展的巨大压力,南中国地区珊瑚礁资源破坏严重,退化趋势明显。

    The coral reef in South China Sea have been impaired and degraded seriously due to the mighty pressure of population growth and economic development .