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jīn huá
  • Jinhua;Yiwu;Golden China;Yongkang
金华 [jīn huá]
  • [Jinhua] 浙江省县级市及专区政府所在地。位于浙江省中部,面积2227平方公里,市区面积18平方公里,人口84万,市区人口11万。经济以农业为主,出产以金华火腿闻名

  1. GIS技术在金华电业局配网管理上的应用

    The Application of GIS in Jinhua Distribution Network Management

  2. 第一章:分析了三个等级金华火腿的水分、盐分、pH值、总氮及蛋白水解产物。

    Moisture , salt , pH , total nitrogen and proteolytic products were analyzed in Jinhua hams of three quality grades .

  3. 金华火腿的pH值使其中的谷氨酸以鲜味最强的谷氨酸一钠的形式存在。

    Glutamic acid exists in the form of MSG by the pH value in the ham .

  4. 铁路交通用地GIS分析制图以金华温州线为例

    Railway Land Registration and Mapping with the Support of GIS & Taking Jinhua-Wenzhou Line as an Example

  5. 金华佛手对HF的剂量反应及其急性伤害阈值

    Dose-response of fingered citron on hydrogen fluoride and their acute injury threshold

  6. 我国地方猪种清平猪、小梅山猪、金华猪ESR基因B等位基因频率都较高,分别为0.884、0.744、0.617;

    The gene frequency of allele B in Qingping , small Meishan , Jinhua was 0.884 、 0.744 、 0.617 respectively .

  7. 2002&2005年金华市ToRCH感染状况调查分析

    An investigation on the condition of ToRCH infections in Jinhua City from 2002 to 2005

  8. myogeninmRNA丰度在金华猪和长白猪背最长肌中的表达

    Myogenin mRNA abundance in longissimus dorsi muscle of Jinhua pig and Landrace pig

  9. 金华火腿生产加工中HACCP的应用

    Application of HACCP system in Jin-hua ham

  10. 位于浙江省金华市秋滨工业园区的RICHSOLAR是中国一家优质并拥有极高声誉的绿色太阳能提供商。

    Located in the Qiubin industrial park of Jinhua , RICH SOLAR is a mighty solar module producer in China and green energy provider with renowned reputation in China .

  11. 以Logistic和Gompertz方程拟合90头金华猪生长肥育期的生长曲线。

    The growth curves of 90 grow-finishing Jinhua pigs were fitted by the equation of Logistic and Gompertz .

  12. 针对金华地区传统的地调SCADA系统直接采集变电所数据的模式,详细分析了其不足之处。

    The advantages of original data collecting mode of SCADA system in Jinhua district power network dispatch center are analyzed .

  13. 特定比例的各种FAA产生金华火腿滋味和风味特性;

    Jinhua ham characteristic flavor was produced mainly by specific FAA pattern .

  14. 方法采用流行病学回顾性调查分析方法,对金华市过去4年的ToRCH感染情况进行回顾性统计分析。

    Methods Retrospective analysis of the epidemiology was made on the situation of ToRCH infection in Jinhua city in past four years .

  15. 然后对其进行PCA分析,结果表明高光谱图像可以较好地区分不同等级的金华火腿。

    The data were analyzed by PCA , and the results showed that hyperspectral imaging can identify different kinds of Jinhua hams well .

  16. 金华市中小学导入ISO9000族标准的现状调查及分析

    On the Status Quo and Analytical Investigation into the Leading of ISO 9000 Family into the Primary and Middle Schools in Jinhua

  17. 用免疫组织化学(ABC)法观察金华猪心精氨酸加压素(AVP)免疫反应(IR)阳性的神经纤维和细胞的分布。

    Immunohistochemical ( ABC ) method was used to study the distribution of arginine vasopressin ( AVP ) immunoreactive ( IR ) nerve fibers in porcine heart .

  18. 应用动物模型REML法估计金华猪生长性状遗传参数

    Genetic Parameter of Growth Traits Were Estimated Using Method of REML in Jinhua Sows

  19. CTSB基因对金华猪所有胎次的TNB影响显著(P<0.05),对所有胎次的NBA及BLW的影响都不显著(P>0.05);

    CTSB gene significantly influenced the TNB at the 0.05 level among the all parities of Jinhua pig , but not significantly influence the NBA and BLW for each parity ( P0.05 ) .

  20. 金华火腿中主要的游离氨基酸为Glu、Lys、Ala、Leu、Val,占游离氨基酸总量的47%。

    The major free amino acids in Jinhua hams were glutamic acid 、 lysine 、 alanine 、 leucine and valine , which accounted for 47 per cent of free amino acids .

  21. SSJ-3000计算机监控系统在金华水电站的应用

    Application of SSJ-3000 Computer Monitoring System in Jinhua Hydropower Station

  22. 在金华火腿加工过程中,肌内脂肪和皮下脂肪的酸价一直上升,过氧化值、羰基价和TBA值有升有降,但总体呈上升趋势,脂肪氧化程度不断增强。

    During the processing of JinHua ham , AV value kept rising , POV value carbonyl value and TBA value was up and down , but rising totally , the degree of lipid oxidation increased continuously .

  23. 通过对金华火腿传统加工过程中游离脂肪酸(FFA)、硫代巴比妥酸(TBARS)及双烯值和羰基值等的分析,研究其在加工过程中的脂质分解氧化规律及其与温度条件的相关性。

    Lipolysis-oxidation of Jinhua ham and its correlation during traditional processing were studied by analyzing free fatty acids ( FFA ), thiobarbituric acid ( TABRS ), diene value and carbonyl value .

  24. 目的探讨2002 ̄2005年金华市ToRCH感染的疫情动态,为防止ToRCH感染率进一步提高,制定可行的预防措施,提供科学的依据。

    Objective The study was designed to gain insight into the epidemic situation of ToRCH infection in Jinhua city from 2002 to 2005 in order to provide a science basis for the formulation of the measures of future prevention of infection rate from increasing .

  25. 考虑到距离,目前设想将会在jq区块的秋林和金华区分别设立一座tpo处理厂。

    Due to distances , it is currently envisaged that there would be one TPO processing facilities separately to be located in quilin and Jinhua field within the JQ block .

  26. 随机取5条不同等级金华火腿的股二头肌为样品,利用固相微萃取(SPME)和GC/MS系统进行风味成分研究。

    Flavor study of different grades Jinhua ham was carried out under a SPME ( solid phase microextraction ) - GC / MS system , with Biceps femoris as samples that were taken out randomly from 5 Jinhua hams of different grades .

  27. 应用该文所提方法对WSCC-9系统、IEEE-39系统和浙江金华电网的计算表明,该方法可以用于调度部门的发电出力计划调整、拉闸限电方式选择和自动重合闸配置等工作。

    And detail implementation of the method is also given in this paper . The numerical tests of WSCC-9 , IEEE-39 and Jinhua power network are proposed , which prove the proposed algorithm could be used for generation dispatching , load shedding and re-closure types selection .

  28. 金华市郊外来杂草群落生态学

    A Study on Community Ecology of Alien Weeds in Jinhua Suburban

  29. 金华市地氟病病区摄氟总量调查

    Investigation of Fluorine Intake to the Endemic Fluorosis Area of Jinhua

  30. 金华地域文化特色及其旅游开发研究

    Research on regional cultural features and tourism development of Jinhua City