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  1. 文中通过对葛洲坝水力发电厂二江电厂调速系统大量故障现象、故障原因、故障样本的收集、分析和整理,利用BP神经网络建立了水轮发电机调速系统智能诊断模型。

    This paper sets up a new fault diagnosis model of the hydraulic turbine generator governing system with the advanced ANN ( artificial neural net ) .

  2. 水电站共两座,一在大江,装机14台;一在二江,装机7台,总容量271.5万千瓦。

    The two hydro-electric plants have 21 generating units with a total installed capacity of 2.715 million kw .

  3. 长江上游川峡二江续接地段岸坡演变过程探讨

    The study on development process of slope in the connected part between Chuan and Xia rivers in Changjiang river

  4. 葛洲坝水利枢纽工程横跨大江、葛洲坝、二江、西坝和三江。

    Gezhouba Water Control Project across the river , the Gezhouba Dam , the River , Xiba and Sanjiang .

  5. 本文论述了WLT&2型微机励磁调节器的基本特性。通过葛洲坝二江电厂的试验,实际地考核了调节器的功能和性能。

    Experiment of the WLT-2 Type multi-microprocessor-based excitation regulators on a175MW unit at Gezhouba Second River Hydraulic Power Plant is described .

  6. 如何从基础岩体变形来判断水工建筑物及其基础在施工期和蓄水初期的安全程度&以葛洲坝工程二江泄水闸的安全监测资料分析为例

    How to judge the safety degree of the hydraulic structure and foundation from subbase deformation during construction period and the initial impoundment

  7. 建立了二江电厂在三峡梯调联合调度模式下的无人值班管理新模式。

    And set up a new operation management mode-no operator on duty in GEHP that is appropriate to Three Gorges Cascade Dispatch Center ( TGCDC ) .

  8. 本文根据6组共71个测点的原型观测数据,探讨了作用于葛洲坝二江泄水闸消力池隔墙上的脉动压力特性;

    On the basis of the observation data totaled 71 measurement points , this paper studies fluctuating pressure properties acting on the side wall in the stilling basin of the Second-channel sluice .

  9. 从右至左右葛洲坝、西坝两个江心洲,把长江分割为大江、二江、三江,工程因坝轴线横穿江心的葛洲坝而得名。

    Right to about Gezhouba Dam , the river Xiba two continents , divided into the Yangtze River , the River , Sanjiang , the works of the dam axis across the river named after the Gezhouba Dam .

  10. 第二松花江桥跨度30m简支T梁横向加固试验研究

    Study on Experiment for Reinforcement of 30 m-span Simple-support T-sectional Girder in the 2nd Songhuajiang Bridge

  11. 第二松花江流域松原市江段水污染控制研究

    The Research of Water Contamination to Second-songhuajiang River in Songyuan City

  12. 第二松花江吉林江段水质状况分析

    The analysis on water quality condition in Jilin reaches of second-songhua River

  13. 第二松花江鱼类区系分布特征的调查研究

    On the distribution of the fish fauna in the 2nd Songhua River

  14. 第二松花江流域水产资源的开发利用

    Exploitation and utilization of fishery resources in the second Songhuajiang drainage basin

  15. 第二松花江干流四水转化模型研究及应用

    Study and application of four waters transformation model for Second songhuajiang river

  16. 第二松花江流域土壤中若干元素的自然背景值

    Background values of certain elements in the soils of Second Songhua River Basin

  17. 第二松花江水中苯酚和苯胺的光降解规律

    Photodegradation of Phenol and Aniline in the Water of the Second Songhua River

  18. 第二松花江流域非点源污染输出负荷研究

    Study on Load of Nonpoint Source Pollution in the Second Songhua River Basin

  19. 第二松花江断裂活动性剖析

    Analysis of the Second Songhua River fault activities

  20. 第二松花江航运发展研究

    The Study on the Shipping Development of the 2 ~( nd ) Songhua River

  21. 20年来第二松花江汞污染自净规律研究

    Study on self-purification of the Second Songhua River polluted by mercury in past 20 years

  22. 第二松花江流域含铁地下水的成因与防治措施

    The contributing factors and control measures of iron-containing ground water of the second Songhua River Valley

  23. 研究区为第二松花江从吉林市到松原市的河谷区,在河谷区推行小井种稻是吉林省农业发展新的增长点。

    The study area locates in the second Songhua River valley from Jilin to Songyuan city .

  24. 第二松花江下游居民发汞水平及影响因素分析

    Human Hair Mercury Levels in the Residents Living along the Second Songhuajiang River and the Influencing Factors

  25. 第二松花江松原市江段纳污能力及总量控制分析

    The Analysis Total Amount control and Capacity of Receiving Pollutants in Songyuan City Reaches of Second-Songhua River

  26. 结果表明,第二松花江汞污染自然净化取得明显成效;

    The research results indicate that self-purifying effect of the Second Songhua River polluted by mercury is evident .

  27. 夫余的境域早期只分布在第二松花江沿岸。

    Puyo 's territory during its early period was limited to the valley of the Second Songhua River .

  28. 吉林市第二松花江江段污染物&NH4~+分布特征研究

    Research on distribution characteristics of pollutant NH_4 ~ + in Second Songhua River downstream outlet of Jilin City

  29. 第二松花江污染与沿江居民癌症死亡率关系的调查研究

    Retrospective Study on Correlation Between Water Pollution of Second Songhua River and Mortality of Carcinoma in Residents Along River

  30. 中国第二松花江流域地下水区域地球化学特征和环境质量问题

    The regional geochemical characteristics and environmental quality of the ground water in the second Songhua River Basin of China