
  1. 三号病房,在走廊尽头,左手边第二扇门。

    Surgical three , down that hall , second door on the left .

  2. 科学家们希望这次的新机器人能最终开启第二扇门背后的秘密。

    Scientists hope the new robot can finally unlock the secrets behind door number two .

  3. 那么,我们唯一剩下的选择,就藏在第二扇门的后面,

    So the only alternative , and this is what lies behind door number two ,

  4. 现在他们面对着第二扇门了,银色的,上面还刻了一些字:

    Now they were facing a second pair of doors , silver this time , with words engraved upon them :

  5. 接着,第二扇门打开了,他的朋友——鲁斯温勋爵站在那儿。他手里拿着一把刀。

    Then the second door opened and his friend , Lord Ruthven , stood there.He had a knife in his hand .

  6. 通常进入主人卧室的第二扇门最好也得注意下,万一你在卧室里放有珍珠项链贵重物品的话,最好这里也装个报警器。

    And the windows on the second floor , which often access the master bedroom & and your jewelry . It 's not a bad idea to put motion detectors up there too .

  7. 还有一位网友写道:“我当时住在斯洛文尼亚,走过前厅后,有第二扇门通往房间。正当我走向房间,一只蜜蜂朝我飞来。”

    The user wrote : ' I had a room in Slovenia where you walked in , there was a foyer and then a second door to the room . As I was walking into the room , a bee flew at me .

  8. 一又二分之一扇门。

    A door and a half .