
  • 网络Secondary vulcanization;post cure;secondary cure
  1. 结果表明,胶料需采用过氧化物硫化体系和助交联剂,用高温硫化和二次硫化工艺。

    The results showed that the compound needed to use peroxide vulcanization system and aid cross-linker with high temperature cure and secondary cure process .

  2. 在合适的二次硫化条件(160℃×2h)下,添加适量的促进剂TMTD,可以减小并用胶的高温压缩永久变形。

    And the permanent set at high temperature of vulcanizate after proper post-cure ( 160 ℃× 2 h ) improved by adding TMTD .

  3. De-link工艺在二次硫化鞋胶料中的应用研究

    Application of De - link Technology in Bi - vulcanized Shoes Compound

  4. 本厂所有接口全部使用二次硫化接口。

    Our factory all interface all use second vulcanization interface .

  5. 同时,研究了一次发泡温度和二次硫化时间对泡沫材料压缩应力松弛的影响。

    At the same time , effects of the first temperture and the second time conditions on the compress stress relaxation were also studied .

  6. 制作工艺由起初的冷粘合二次硫化改进为在硫化机上加装人字花纹模具一次整体硫化,提高了花纹和带体间的粘合强度,明显地增加了输送带的输送量;

    The manufacture process was improved from the first cold bonding-post curing to primary cure by using the mold having chevron cell , and the adhesion strength between the chevron type of pattern and the belt body was improved , and the conveyance capability was significantly increased .