
  • 网络Ribbon flower bed;Flower Belt
  1. 316不锈钢经过24h的腐蚀,可看出腐蚀层分为两层,靠基体较黑的为第一层Fe2Al5,往外花带斑点的为第二层FeAl3。

    Two corrosion layers can be found on 316 stainless steel after being corroded for 24h , the first blacker layer near the base is Fe_2Al_5 , and the second outer layer with spot is FeAl_3 .

  2. 五月你应该将你家花园边缘花带种好了。

    By may you should have planted your borders .

  3. 我希望花带微笑你的脸,这样的恩典。

    I hope the flowers bring a smile to your face , with such grace .

  4. 旧大陆的一种粗草本,鳞茎大,具纸质外皮,花带白或绿紫色,生在高花葶上;已广泛归化。

    Coarse Old World perennial having a large bulb and tall stalk of greenish purple-tinged flowers ; widely naturalized .

  5. 而这些传统活动的最重要意义在于五朔节花桩,传统的舞者戴着花带围绕着它跳舞。

    Perhaps the most significant of the traditions is the May Pole , around which traditional dancers circle with ribbons .

  6. 在现代绿地中应用形式比古代更为丰富,主要有专类园、花台、花境、花带、孤植、丛植、群植等形式。

    Tree peonies were applied in modern gardens with more forms than ancient time , such as in display garden , flowerbed , perennial borders , etc.

  7. 别墅区的设计亦是将景观廊架、涌泉、花带、特色廊架等结合起来,形成了一座具有欧式风情的自然生态的高尚住区。

    In the villas area , feature trellis , bubblers , flower belts are well integrated to bring about a European natural and ecological high-end residential community .

  8. 当爱丽丝(艾米丽·比查姆饰演)将花带回家送给儿子时,他们开始意识到这种植物也许并没有看上去的那么善良。

    When Alice ( Emily Beecham ) takes it home for her son , they begin to realize the plant may not be as benevolent as it appears .

  9. 一种产于欧洲的粗糙草本植物,头状花带红色,叶无柄。是不是转得你头晕了?他问道,声音中带着无限的柔情。

    Coarse European herb with palmately-divided leaves and clusters of small reddish-purple flower heads . " Does it make you dizzy ?" he asked in a tone of great kindness .

  10. 40位水手,身着青布上衣、士林蓝裤子,腰系银饰花带,手握五尺木桨,整齐划一,甚是威武。

    The oarsmen , 40 in all , wield 5-foot-long wooden oars . These powerful-looking men wear horsetail-shaped hats , blue jacketsand trousers , and embroidered waistbands pinned with silver ornaments .

  11. 试验以重瓣大花萱草带生长点的茎段为试材,以MS与1/2MS为基本培养基,分别添加不同浓度的2,4-D,6-BA,NAA。

    The experiments were used the stem with growing point of double flower Hemerocallis fulva as test plant . The MS and 1 / 2 MS as culture medium were each added different concentration 2,4-D , 6-BA and NAA .

  12. 半重瓣?型缟花,带红色的酒红色到深紫色外缟,白色内缟。

    Semidouble chimera reddish wine-purple frilled pansy / white stripe .

  13. 北美东部的一种百合,开橙色至桔红色的花,带紫色斑点。

    Lily of eastern North America having orange to orange-red purple-spotted flowers .

  14. 是您将我们的客户花名册带到了一个全新的阶段!

    You take our roster of great clients to an all new level !

  15. 欧洲和中国的龙胆,有乳白色的花和带流苏的花冠。

    Gentian of Europe and China having creamy white flowers with fringed corollas .

  16. 然而我也不可能回到伊丽莎白时代,手拿一小束花或带个香囊。

    I have not , however , ruled out going Elizabethan and carrying a nosegay or pomander .

  17. 她的这身衣服不是我们所想象的拉斯维加斯风格。这身有着凸花印纹带中国风格的衣服,让她看起来出奇得内敛。

    Her costumes weren 't exactly what we think of when we think of " Vegas " style : In a brocade , mandarin-influenced jacket , she looked surprisingly buttoned-up .

  18. 好的,我重复一下您点的菜,一瓶百威啤酒、一份北京烤鸭、一分清蒸芥兰,调料分开、一份蛋花汤带开胃品,对吗?

    Ok , I repeat your order , one Budweiser , one Peking duck , one steamed broccoli and sauce aside , egg drop soup and appetizers to follow , all right ?

  19. 它的全身都具有毒性,尽管有些报告说其花不带毒,但还是小心为妙。

    The chemicals used to make it are poisonous and explosive . The entire plant , also known as a kidney bean tree , is toxic , though some say the flowers are not .

  20. 这些菌孢子主要由花传媒昆虫带到健康植株。

    These spores are transmitted to healthy plants mainly by flower visitors .

  21. 出去晚饭,然后花些时间带在一起喝咖啡,彼此了解对方。

    Go out to dinner then spend time together at a coffee shop getting to know each other .

  22. 托索湖&花石峡礁带的主体由块状的礁相灰岩和生物碎屑灰岩所组成;

    The reef island belt from Tusuo Lake to Huashixia is mainly composed of massive reef limestone and bioclastic limestone .

  23. 由此而论,可能存在着华北板块与扬子板块相向俯冲于苏鲁地体之下的陆陆碰撞机制,苏鲁地体可能具有与大别地体相似的花状造山带结构。

    As a result , a collision mechanism is perhaps present between continents where North China plate and Yangtze plate subducted to each other below the Sulu terrene which has the same flower-shape orogenic structure as that of Dabie terrane .

  24. 为了这个缘故,他仍然花点时间带他太太去交际应酬。要不是他有需要应酬的人,要不是还有一些和她在场不在场无关的娱乐,这种时候本来会很令人乏味的。

    On this account he still devoted some time to showing his wife about & time which would have been wearisome indeed if it had not been for the people he would meet and the little enjoyments which did not depend upon her presence or absence .

  25. 3.pollenn.花粉花药是花的雄蕊上带花粉的部分。

    Anther is a part of a flower that contains the pollen .

  26. 普通旧大陆堇菜,花乳白色通常带些紫色。

    Common Old World viola with creamy often violet-tinged flowers .

  27. 你真是太客气了,花那么多时间带我逛街。

    You know , it really is good of you to spend so much time showing me around .

  28. 这种马甲以两种颜色售出:蓝色带粉红色花的和黑色带圆点的。

    The vests were sold in two colors : blue with pink flowers and black with white polka dots .

  29. 大麦一种大麦属草本植物,生长在温和地带,终端有花,常有带芒的长穗。

    A grass in the genus hordeum , native to temperate regions , having flowers in terminal , often long-awned spikes .

  30. 在汉娜第一次参加学校郊游时,我给了她5块钱,并要她把花剩下的零钱带回来。

    When Hannah went on her first school field trip , I gave her $ 5 and told her I wanted the change .