
  1. 各花入各眼,我们制作这款游戏只是想让大家慢慢体会那种自己仿佛步入天堂的快感,不是吗?

    " We know that everyone is going to have a different experience with the game-everyone has their own opinion ," shrugged Ueda .

  2. 鲜花是植物的精英,在我国以花入馔有着悠久的历史,花馔不但能增添菜肴的色、香、味、型,同时对人体具有独特的营养、美容和食疗价值。

    The flower ingredients can not only add colors , flavors , tastes and shapes to dishes , but also has obviously specific value in nutriology , cosmetology and diet therapy .