
xīn yá
  • bud;sprouting
新芽[xīn yá]
  1. 即使已经停药,在啮齿动物身上,这个长出新芽的现象还是可以持续达数月之久。

    In rodents , this sprouting can continue for some months after drug taking ceases .

  2. 竹子去旧根,发新芽,对竹子的生长又有促进作用。

    Besides , the removal of old roots and the sprouting of buds boost the growth of bamboos .

  3. 经过11天的生长后,对新芽的数量进行了计数。

    After eleven days of growth the number of sprouts was counted .

  4. 蛞蝓会破坏长出的新芽。

    Slugs play merry hell with emerging shoots .

  5. 春天植物开始吐新芽。

    The new buds begin to appear in the spring .

  6. 玫瑰正在长出新芽。

    The rosebush is putting out new shoots .

  7. 树上长出两根新芽。

    The plant sent up two new shoots .

  8. 春天到了,所有树木都绽出了新芽。

    Spring is coming ; all the trees are pushing out new shoots .

  9. 他们在往绽出新芽的土豆秧周围培新土

    They were putting fresh earth around sprouting potato stalks .

  10. v.长出;发芽下了一场小小的春雨后,树木开始长出新芽。

    sprout After a light spring rain , leaves began to sprout from tress .

  11. 对杉木的采样时期及其DNA提取方法进行的研究表明:5月份采取杉木新芽3g,用CTAB洗净法可以获得浓度和纯度最高的DNA。

    Study of sampling time and means of extracting DNA of cunninghamia lanceolata have been discussed in this paper . The results show that the highest concentration and purity DNA can be obtained when sampling in May and by the means of CTAB washing .

  12. 接种外植体(茎尖、侧芽)917个,诱导启动率为35.3%,诱导成功率为13.6%。研究表明,从9~13cm长的新芽上切取的外植体的启动、成功率最高;

    917 explants ( shoot-tips and lateral buds ) were inoculated .

  13. 新芽长0.5~1.0cm时移栽,成活率最高,达到95%。

    The highest survival rate of transplants reached 95 % when transplanted with the sprouts growing to 0.5 ~ 1.0 cm long .

  14. 这款名为Pekoppa的小玩具看上去像是一株刚刚从盆中冒出新芽的植物,轻轻摇摆着它的两片嫩叶,或是弯弯茎干,仿佛在向身边说话的人做出回应。

    The Pekoppa toy , which looks like a small plant just starting to from a pot , its two leaves or bends its stem as if it is reacting to someone who is speaking nearby .

  15. 到处都没有新芽,只有一些藏红花。

    There was not a bud anywhere except a few crocuses .

  16. 然后掐掉长度在拇指和食指之间的新芽。

    Then pinch the new shoots between your thumb and forefinger .

  17. 红色旅游是旅游业的一支新芽。

    Red tourism is a new bud of tourist industry .

  18. 最佳接种时间为8月份,新芽生长迅速。

    August is the best inoculated time and new buds grew rapidly .

  19. 莼菜新芽采收的形态指标2形态指标与耐热

    Index ; the morphological target of harvest in Brasenia schreberi

  20. 人们看到,在植物界,衰老的枯树可以发新芽;

    In vegetable kingdom , people find that withered trees can sprout ;

  21. 耕作土地或培养新芽的实践。

    The practice of cultivating the land or raising stock .

  22. 春天,万木长出了嫩绿的新芽。

    Light green buds sprout from the trees in spring .

  23. 树上现在露出了新芽。

    The new buds are appearing on the trees now .

  24. 新芽就会从旧的地方长出。

    Young shoots will send up from the oldones .

  25. 植物发出了一些新芽。

    The plant had put out some new shoots .

  26. 绿色的新芽是春天充满希望的征兆。

    The green shoots were hopeful signs of spring .

  27. 即使在霜冻期根部一般也不会受损,而且能萌生出新芽来。

    Even in frost roots are usually unharmed and they produce new sprouts .

  28. 茴香的新芽和洋葱的植株现在也显得多了起来。

    Also showing in numbers now are the fennel shoots and onion sets .

  29. 下了一场小小的春雨后,树木开始长出新芽。

    After a light spring rain , leaves began to sprout from trees .

  30. 春天树木发出新芽。

    The trees send out new leaves in spring .